Will a Fairphone 5 work in the US?
Will a Fairphone 5 work in the US?
Only Fairphone 4 is currently available in the US via their US partner Murena. While I could get that one, I want to support Fairphone by boosting sales of their current model. If I were to buy one and put in a US SIM card, would I be able to make and receive calls?
Check the 5g frequencies of the phone and the telephone company. Sometimes they differ for some frequency but that does not impact the phone too much. I had an Indian Nord and it worked flawlessly in EU although some frequencies were not supported
I very well could be wrong, but if it doesnt go through FCC approval, the device itself might be blocked on US carriers. I hope I'm wrong, I'd love to see the ff5 here
might wanna look through this thread https://forum.fairphone.com/t/fairphone-owners-in-the-usa-fp2-fp3-fp4-fp5/
I've been using a FP5 on Mint Mobile in rural US for about a year maybe; It's worked pretty well so far. I get decent 5G in the (very) small town I live in, and decent 4G in most other places out in the sticks.
I can say say first hand that pf5 works in the us. At the time I used T-Mobile, but no problems with connectivity.
T-Mobile is based in Germany, so cell service is still functional between continents.
Currently I don't have T-Mobile, but have the murena esim, they do utilize the T-Mobile network though. Haven't been in the US with the esim, but I can still use it fine on wireless or roaming
I don't see why not...
Technical frequency band reasons and such.