Navalny, one of the leading Russian voices against Vladimir Putin before he was locked up, has now been convicted of promoting "extremism."
A Russian " " court " " on Friday issued its verdict in a new case against jailed opposition leader Alexey Navalny, convicting the politician of promoting "extremism" and extending his time in prison by 19 years, according to Russian state media and his own team.
Navalny advised Ukrainians not to deceive themselves: "Crimea will remain part of Russia and will never become part of Ukraine again in the foreseeable future".
He also said that when he becomes president of the Russian Federation, he will not return the semi-island to Kyiv: "Crimea is what, a sandwich with sausage to be returned here and there?", - Navalny asked.
Fuck Putin, fuck Navalny & fuck Russia in general.
Uh that seems like a pretty absolutist world view. You can simultaneously think that the invasion of Ukraine is terrible, and care that a Russian man is being jailed for nearly twenty years by a kangaroo court.
Russia's prominent jailed opposition figure Alexei Navalny has lost an appeal against a nine-year prison term, but not before launching a scathing attack on the war in Ukraine.
Condemning Vladimir Putin's war as stupid, he said it was "like your courts, built entirely on lies".
"You will suffer a historic defeat in this stupid war that you started. It has no purpose or meaning. Why are we fighting a war?" he said.
I believe the person that you're replying to is talking about how Navalny is inherently a Russian Nationalist and had previously expressed support for the invasion of Ukraine. Also, of course he's going to rail against the guy who's unjustly imprisoning him and shit all over Putin's invasion.
I think him being concerned with the economics of a war rather than the ethics of it are telling. However here is a quote from Navalny in March. Seems like he is somewhat on a middle ground. Not sure what to think of him.
Navalny wrote that Ukraine's borders are “similar to Russia's—[they were] internationally recognized and defined in 1991.” All of the areas of Ukraine that the Kremlin has supposedly “annexed” are, by right and by law, still Ukrainian, including Crimea.Mar 2, 2023
Navalny advised Ukrainians not to deceive themselves: "Crimea will remain part of Russia and will never become part of Ukraine again in the foreseeable future".
He also said that when he becomes president of the Russian Federation, he will not return the semi-island to Kyiv: "Crimea is what, a sandwich with sausage to be returned here and there?", - Navalny asked.
While the second quote is more telling, the first one is misleading. The only reason Ukraine has a shot at taking Crimea back is because Russia invaded.
There was just no hope for Ukraine to retake it by force, and Russia under putin would never give it back voluntarily. Even not under Putin, the opinion would be such that this would be a difficult politically speaking. That's what Navalny was commenting on with this quote.
Tiny correction in the interest of accuracy: He was sentenced to 10 more years, for 19 remaining years total.
And he'll probably get a few more added on top, this is a Myanmar thing where they'll just either make him disappear or perpetually keep him imprisoned of course.
Navalny, who emerged as the most outspoken critic of President Vladimir Putin's government before he was imprisoned, was already serving a nine-year sentence in a high-security prison about 150 miles east of Moscow for parole violations, fraud, and contempt of court.
"...By conducting this latest trial in secret and limiting his lawyers' access to purported evidence, Russian authorities illustrated yet again both the baselessness of their case and the lack of due process afforded to those who dare to criticize the regime."
Navalny faced a total of seven serious charges in the trial, including participating in and funding extremist activities, creating an NGO that "infringes on the rights of citizens," involving minors in dangerous acts, and rehabilitating Nazism.
In April, Navalny said a separate proceeding had been launched against him stemming from the extremism case, in which he would stand accused of terrorism and be tried by a military court.
Daniel Kholodny, who used to work for Navalny's YouTube channel, was also charged with funding and promoting extremism and was sentenced to prison on Friday, but due to the poor quality audio feed from inside the closed courtroom, there was confusion about how many years he was given.
Navalny was arrested in January 2021 immediately upon his return from Germany, where he spent five months recovering from a poisoning that he blamed on the Kremlin — a claim Russian officials have always denied.
Yet we won't hear about people like Ousmane Sonko and so many more, including in Ukraine, just today Saïd Boukioud was condemned to 5 years of jail in Morocco, and Julian Assange has been persecuted for more than a decade for wanting to keep us accountable/transparent(, as well as at least dozens of whistleblowers). Piotr Pavlenski was celebrated by french medias when he denounced the russian "regime", but condemned by the same medias when he did the same things in France. We simply wouldn't hear&support A.Navalny if Russia was our ally, thats all.
Just in(, an hour ago) : Imran Khan has been condemned to three years of jail ! Will you complain ?
And Juan Branco.
A country authorizing opponents/diversity outside&inside its borders is undoubtedly better than a country forbidding them inside&outside. It's harder to compare between a country forbidding diversity outside its borders and another forbidding it only on its territory.
A real union in diversity would cancel any possible international insecurity of a given country, but not directly its potential royalist/authoritarian tendencies since it'd allow their difference(, however, their inhabitants don't need to be saved by (c)overt operations, because the proximity of free people will elicit a desire of change in their own country, as long as this country doesn't protect itself from our proximity like we protected ourselves from socialist examples ; being united means being informed of the other ways of living, and desiring what we lack, it also means 'working for our species instead of our nations'/'loving/helping other countries as much as we love/help our own inhabitants').