Some addons do not work on my Firefox after some updates. Had to switch to Chromium sadly. Around 2 years I switched back to Firefox but I think this time I just stay at Chromium. Seems to be more stable and quicker...
I actually tried out Vivaldi for about a month before I went back to Firefox but I like it as well. I think it's the best chromium based browser out there.
Yeah same. Well actually I'm using Firefox on desktop and Vivaldi on my phone (Android), since I love having desktop style tabs on mobile. The trend of having to press a button to open a tab browser really annoys me and although Firefox sort of addressed that with tab groups now, I think Vivaldi's implementation is nicer.
If I have to use a chromium based browser, I go vivaldi. The closed source parts are annoying, but it's still better than the other options for my preferences.
If we all stop using firefox, then chromium has a complete monopoly. That's dangerous with something as important as a web browser.
Lets not forget that Chromium is sponsored/maintsined by Google.
This, only correct answer, and the only correct source to make your decision off of. Any other opinions being tossed around are mostly speculation by people who probably don't actually know that much about tracker prevention.
Chromium or Brave are going to be good options. I really dig Vanadium on mobile as my backup to Mull, but there's not a desktop option as far as I know.
Tabs are always vertical which is better for todays ultrawide monitors
You have the ability to pin tabs to the sidebar which means that whenever you’re on a particular site (not page!) they’re stored in the same place
Other tabs are ephemeral, they’re open for at most the 24 hours from when you use them, then they get cleaned away
There are separate workspaces; like swappable sidebars that you can use to - for example - keep work and personal tabs separate
The vast majority of commands (going to a tab, getting to settings plus loads more) are access via a Stoplight like global search control
You can “boost” a particular site and change its style sheet to be different colours - this can be handy if you’re a developer and need to be extra careful when working in a production environment.
That’s just the stuff off the top of my head, there is probably more.
Use Cromite on mobile. It's a continuation of Bromite which has been maintained by one of the devs since bromite quit being updated a year or so ago. Previously it was called bromite-buildtools, but they just recently got a new name and logo.
Hahaha everyone hating Vanadium. I also dont see its value, its standard and not private, doesnt even delete cookies. Use it for sites where Firefox breaks, again.
I have Thorium installed for when I occasionally have to use it for frontend webdev. It claims to be a lot faster than the other Chromium alternatives.
Brave is hands down the best chromium based browser for privacy. They do a lot under the hood to block trackers and ads. I would do a little more research into ungoogled chromium. Imo it’s better to have a whole community and company backing a browser like Brave rather than a few developers basically patching source code and shipping it.
The only research I had to do was to simply open Wireshark and then Brave. Did the same with Ungoogled and lets just say Ungoogled actually delivers on their promise while Brave is simply Chrome that calls Brave servers instead of Google.