Donald Trump Accuses Canada of 'Cheating' Amid Tariff War
Donald Trump Accuses Canada of 'Cheating' Amid Tariff War
The president complained that Canadian dairy tariffs on imports outside of an allowed quota were "unfair."

PapaSkwat The only rules are Trump's rules and even he doesn't follow them
21 0 Replywatson387
There are no rules. Trump makes it up as he goes.
14 0 ReplyBuckminster Fuller OP
He never has.
10 1 Reply
Gandalf Trump keeps proving how removed he is
18 8 ReplyEch Use better insults.
8 8 ReplyBuckminster Fuller OP
Please don't use the 'r' word. It's extremely offensive. Feel free to hate Trump all you want, but that word is offensive. Please edit.
12 20 ReplyNanook They are their own authority, they can say what they want
6 1 ReplyBlue_Morpho The euphemism treadmill is silly.
6 2 ReplyEheran "Fucking" is great, how could it be an insult like "fuck you"? Perhaps a word can have multiple meanings. While thinking about it, I have actually never heard anyone say removed to someone who is a handicapped person. Only as a insult to assholes.
6 2 Reply
DogPeePoo Dotard Don still stuck trying to jam the square block through the hole for the triangle.
3 0 Reply