Hi, I'm The Fediverse Chick, and I've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty!
111 0 ReplyScrollone Hi! I'm the Fediverse Chick, I've been trying to reach you about a Nigerian prince heritage.
4 0 Reply
The real joke for me is lemmy being so starved of content a meme is cast of the first big spam message and people are irritatedly commenting that they haven't gotten it yet
90 0 ReplyHasturInYellow You got any more of them memes?
Shakes with withdrawal
Hey man, come on. Don't hold out!
26 0 Replydriving_crooner
The beans where huge too back then
5 0 ReplyJackbyDev
I need to not poop for three days.
3 0 ReplyNailbar
I was there when Lemmy had beans
1 0 Reply
RisingSwell I finally got hit today, was feeling left out of the fun.
67 0 Replylazynooblet
I've been hit so many times I should have a purple heart. This screenshot is akin to a NK general showing off his stripes.
48 0 ReplyHowAbt2morrow I’ve got that same collection and I’m actually excitedly waiting for the red blouse message.
13 0 Reply0ops That's wild, I only got hit once months ago. She must really have the hots for you.*wink wink *nudge nudge
8 0 ReplyRamblingPanda I think she only contacted me thrice. Now I'm sad, I think she doesn't really love me.
3 0 Reply
rockerface 🇺🇦
Oh hey, I got her today as well! I guess she's expanding the reach
15 0 ReplySylvartas Same! I was starting to think I was doing Lemmy wrong or something
8 0 ReplySmuuthbrane
Now if I can only figure out how to get Lemmy to let me delete the damned thing…
8 0 Replycolderr I have not gotten hit.
3 0 Replyowl
Me as well, what am I supposed to do with this now?
3 0 Reply
papercut What did I miss?
46 0 ReplyT00l_shed A bot that messages you, for like fake hookups and stuff. I got another one this morning. It says She's polish studying in Toronto:D I forgot her name though.
69 0 Replyfckreddit Her Name's Nicole.
46 0 Reply
The Quuuuuill
there's spam bots trying to get people to be like "oh a sexy jewish nerd from poland is into me? lemme yeah send her some money"
22 0 ReplyAllNewTypeFace
Have they made her Jewish now?
16 0 ReplyTrickDacy
I don't find her sexy (I'm straight) and it seems like a guess at best that she's Jewish.
3 1 Reply
Fabian Can someone explain?
46 1 Replytoynbee I can't explain, no, because I don't understand the motivation behind it.
But someone (likely a bot) has been spamming messages, allegedly from the person depicted, as "the Fediverse chick." I got my first one this morning. It arrived within sixty seconds of me making a post, so I have to guess it's targeting more active users. If you're a frequent commenter, you'll probably get one eventually, too.
49 0 Replypinkyprincessfiona I’m more of a lurker so I guess I’m invisible lol
4 0 ReplyVashtea I almost never comment so this is a test.
1 0 ReplyRamblingPanda Last week I got two in about an one hour time span I think, but they came from different accounts.
1 0 Reply
lugal So you are the unfound one, I see
9 0 ReplyScrollone The first spammer of the fediverse.
3 0 ReplyAgent641 You'll find someone special for you one day 🙏
1 0 Reply
Spezi Plot twist: Shes just a lonely person stationed somewhere far away from civilization trying desperately to make friends and find love online.
33 0 Replytoynbee Who isn't?
17 0 Replydriving_crooner
She's in Vancouver.
3 0 Replyjulianvogels Mine is in Toronto, but originally from Poland
4 0 Reply
Agent641 Imagine if it's just actually her pulling the most epic troll in Lemmy history.
2 0 Reply
Does anyone know who this person actually is? Shouldn't we try to tell them this is happening?
32 0 Replyabobla I think she is the Fediverse chick
17 0 Reply
ILikeTraaaains Today I finally received one, I’m worthy enough to be targeted by a bot.
32 1 ReplyRamblingPanda She was probably afraid to fall in love herself because she really likes trains as well.
8 0 Reply
regdog I texted back "Just send me the virus link", but did not get a response 🙁
23 0 Replysecret300 Ah she's on mastodon too?! Hahaha. Nicole will go down in fediverse history and I love it.
16 0 ReplyMIDItheKID Hah. I just got my first one today. I immediately chalked it up to spam, but didn't know it was so widespread. Hilarious.
12 0 ReplyReluctantMuskrat As did I just a few minutes ago. I feel so special!
6 0 Reply
sem Did anybody ever go as far as to click a link and see what kind of virus it was?
11 0 ReplyOutlierBlue The most famous woman on Lemmy.
10 0 Replythen_three_more The
most famouswoman on Lemmy.11 0 ReplyAgent641 And she doesn't even know it
1 0 Reply
Just checking in
9 0 ReplyThe_Helmet_Stays_On
Got the same message today as well
3 0 Reply
Jubei Kibagami I just checked my messages and there she is 🥲 I feel both seen and seen through, as though this is what it feels like when doves cry 🥲
9 0 Replygigachad and her bong
8 0 ReplyNurse_Robot I still haven't been hit:(
7 0 ReplyJerb322
Me neither
3 0 Reply
Chivera I got mine today
7 0 ReplyNailbar
I have two of the old ones. Waiting excitedly for the new one.
2 0 Reply
This is a really rare picture of her. Amazing.
6 0 ReplyScrollone Rare pepe? No, rare fediverse chick.
4 0 ReplyJackbyDev
Rare Fediverse Chick 😱
4 0 Reply
Has anyone actually joined that discord? I'm curious what's on it but I'm sure as hell not joining it myself
5 0 Replyzzx I love the fediverse chick
4 0 ReplyOnionguy Woah back off pardner, she's mine!
1 0 Reply
giacomo her?
5 1 Replyinformapirata ⁂ :privacypride:
@Veedem 🤣🤣🤣🤣
3 0 ReplyLCP
Got pinged by the spammer earlier today on Mastodon. Nothing on Lemmy yet.
3 0 Replycountrypunk She's evolving
3 0 ReplyKSP Atlas
I've got three of these messages at this point
2 0 Replycountrypunk I wonder where the image used originates from. Makes me think of someone's webcam getting hacked and they're just doing normal things unknowingly while getting pictures taken of them.
2 0 ReplyJackAttack
Got me this morning
1 0 ReplyTrickDacy
I saw it twice months ago, and then never again.
1 0 ReplyScrollone It spammed me twice, but I've blocked her and reported her.
1 0 Reply
Opisek I got my first one at last. I'm in the cool kids' club now.
1 0 Reply