No I've recognized the virus-like existence of humans for the bulk of my 43 years. We have the capacity to do better, but don't and that's what makes us so fucking awful.
No one thinks they're a bad person, but bad people exist.
No I’ve recognized the virus-like existence of humans for the bulk of my 43 years.
So do most of the people who vote (or don't vote) for this shit. Maybe we should stop focusing so much on how much everyone else sucks and start trying to help each other.
People giving up is what got us into this position.
More a series of ongoing failures, whittling away of freedoms, vilification of the "other" (chosen targets periodically changing), and willful ignorance spread over decades. Just seems more focused these days and across more than the US.
Eh, one bad election? Have you been under a rock? Do people forget 2016? And all the smaller elections in between then and now? Millions of us are losing basic human rights for a while now.
Yes, a rather important collection of them have rotted.
The old world is refusing to gracefully build for the new one to grow into its place.
What do we want to build after this wildfire?
Vishnu's defense against the rage of Shiva takes priority now. Vishnu must think and plan to defend what resources to preserve for Brahma to start growing something new.
I'd say that caring for our planet, our planetary neighbors, and our people are more important than any profits, petroleum, plastics, wars, or mass surveillance spyware systems with giant data centers chugging our freshwater to inefficiently do things we had solutions for in the 90s.
I had to fill out an outlook form on my phone for a job fair. Slowed down my phone so much I had to wait for the letters to appear after typing. Scrolling and moving between text fields was also a pain. Crashed once and I had to refresh the page and start over. Why isn't this a simple html webpage? Submitting forms with text fields is basic html. Lightweight, low power use, works everywhere. The page needed nothing else.
Web2.0 (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Amazon Web Services) was a scam takeover of a free technology system by oligarchs just as the general public started to use it writ large thanks to smartphones. Everything since has been them using their oligarchic control over our societal brain to take over society itself.
No no, you can choose to make the world a better place by removing humanity from it.
It's not very cash money of you to do it but you can do it. Unless the humanity we're talking about are just the humans with an awful lot of cash money... That's a different story
This pisses me off. I can't make the world a better place. We can't make it a better place. We are the very reason it's as bad as it is! Squirrels aren't out there with ponzi schemes. Toads aren't building machines that destroy natural resources. Scorpions aren't committing genocide in the name of a made up God so they can take land from other scorpions. We are the only thing on this planet that does not fit into the systems that exist. I know that kind of statement bothers people because you believe yourselves to be good because your aren't X, but everything you and I do causes suffering. Everything.
Edit: Thanks to for the most detailed correction I have ever received. Your response makes the word "pedantry" appear paltry in the presence of what you have presented before us. Thank you.
um ackshually that's Metal Sonic, first appearing in Sonic CD.
Mecha Sonic is a boss from Sonic 2 Game Gear, and is totally different.
Which should never be confused with Mecha Sonic that's one of the final bosses of Sonic 2 Mega Drive/Genesis.
Or Mecha Sonic Mk II from Sonic and Knuckles, who is clearly an upgraded version of Mecha Sonic, not an upgraded version of Mecha Sonic.
Or Super Mecha Sonic, the transformation of Mecha Sonic Mk II, but who has nothing to do with Mecha Sonic, Mecha Sonic, or Metal Sonic.
And I could never imagine how anyone could be stupid enough to confuse them with Mecha Sonic Mk III, the background decoration from Sonic Adventure, who is clearly an upgrade of Mecha Sonic, not an upgrade of Mecha Sonic, Mecha Sonic Mk II, or Metal Sonic. (Why do I taste copper?)
But you could be forgiven for mistaking Metal Sonic for his later self-upgraded form Neo Metal Sonic, the antagonist from Sonic Heroes.
Neo Metal Sonic can transform into Metal Madness from Sonic Heroes. Only a fool would think that Metal Sonic, Mecha Sonic, Mecha Sonic, Mecha Sonic Mk II, Super Mecha Sonic, or Mecha Sonic Mk III could do that.
Metal Madness can transform into Metal Overlord, of course. I don't know how that could be any more obvious, or how anyone could confuse this for Metal Madness. C'mon they're completely distinct. (Does anyone smell burnt toast?)
And only an idiot wouldn't understand Metal Sonic 3.0 is a completely new robot made as an upgraded version of Metal Sonic, created by an alternate dimension version of Eggman who isn't from an alternate dimension but is from the future, who is a rival to Metal Sonic who is no longer Neo Metal Sonic. It's mind boggling that something so simple could confuse anyone with a basic modicum of intelligence.
And the Metal Sonics from the Archie comics are entirely self explanatory. Why is there this wet red stuff coming out of my ears? I think I'm going to have a lie down.
Everything Robotnik says is Truth and/or too good for this movie. You will not convince me that Jim Carrey, "artistic consultant", did not write his own lines - nobody was able to tell him no. It was either that or explicit Robotnik/Stone.