US pushes to remove references to sanctions and Russia’s war in Ukraine from a Canadian draft statement
The US has rejected a Canadian proposal to establish a task force that would tackle Russia’s so-called “shadow fleet” of oil tankers, according to reports last night.
Canada, which has the current Group of Seven presidency, proposed the measure ahead of a meeting of G7 foreign ministers in Quebec later this week.
In negotiations to agree a joint statement on maritime issues, the US is pushing to strengthen language about China while watering down wording on Russia, the reports said.
You are right, but as citizens in nations, we can only demand solutions at the national level. Right now in that regard the problems are with the oligarchs in Russia and the oligarchs in the US, and they have control each of their respective countries. We are very well aware that there are rich assholes willing to play to Putin's tune in many of our countries and that they are financing opposition parties considerably.
Did you mis the part about how it is a single >>NATION<< that veto'd the shadow oil fleet ban? So obviously a nation is the problem here, and of course the billionaires who have taken control of that nation.
The G7 has been compromised. EU had best work without the US now. The US is now led by a maniac who likes Putin, and wouldn't blink at betraying all the US longterm allies.
Unfortunately, that's probably true for the whole world order.
I want to hope that the new one will be better, but oftentimes history tends to disagree with that notion. Yet I'll remain fighting for a better tomorrow.
Unfortunately, that's probably true for the whole world order.
That's fortunately for us here down in the global South. Let the oppressors (which Europe also is to be clear) fight each other and leave us alone. Sucks for Ukraine though.
I mean apart from the logic of sanctions, those shadowfleet boats are "environmental disaster" ticking timebombs. They are not very safe or seaworthy.
Some of them have extreme strange huge anchors, which tend to drag 100 km across the oceanfloor and mysterously break critical communication cables in Europe and so. Others have dubious highend technical devices on board.
Nice detail is that somehow they end up being owned by a Hong Kong Ltd.
They're basically modern privateers - acting on behest of their leader nations, but with public deniability. Every once in a while I wonder what it would take for a Nemo-type character to show up, commandeer a submarine, and start stalking/hunting them.
Nice detail is that somehow they end up being owned by a Hong Kong Ltd. - Riddick3001
Just out of interest, where did you hear that the boats from this shadow fleet are registered by a company in Hong Kong? There would be some irony if China would use this as the final excuse to take over Hong Kong, to "clean up the mess" that Hong Kong companies have been causing internationally.
Please kick us out of the G7! Turn off our power. Tariff everything. Make us hurt - that is the only way we will get rid of trump. Once social security goes away people will finally realize what is happening
On one hand yeah fuck the US we could do with being knocked down a bunch of pegs. On the other I worry desperate people are easy to control. It would create a very strong "us vs the world" vibe that fascists love to take advantage of.
Why don't they just move ahead with the plan regardless of America? The US has made it pretty clear they intend to depart NATO, and so the rest of the organization may as well just move forward regardless of what the US says.
The US position here is "We are rethinking our position here, and thus can't get involved in any new business," which to me is fair. Regardless of how anyone feels about their decision to leave, if they're deciding to leave, it makes sense to not start something that will keep them involved.