showmeyourkizinti Ear worm? Pink Pony Club - Chappell Roan. Do I like it? No, but I hear on the radio and that damn song is caught in my head for an hour or more. But I guess that’s the definition of an ear worm.
5 0 Replyvfscanf Supertramp - Asylum I love it
5 0 Reply0ops Not quite right!!
1 0 Reply
karpintero A close second would be Tony Rice - Church Street Blues
4 0 Replyzabadoh OP Mine current ear worm is The Fields Of Athenry
4 0 ReplyEndmaker
For quite a while now: Mephisto
4 0 Replyzabadoh OP That one stayed in my head for a while when it came out.
2 0 Reply
🇨🇦🇩🇪🇨🇳张殿李🇨🇳🇩🇪🇨🇦 I've been reading some news on Gen-Z types not taking any shit anymore and as a result I've got The Who's "The Kids Are Alright" echoing in my head.
4 0 ReplyUpperBroccoli Pale Shelter - Tears for Fears has been living rent free in my head for a couple of days now. This happens every time I hear it.
3 0 Replyedric 2 0 Replydotslashme This song came on in the morning and its still rumbling around my brain
2 0 ReplyHarvesterOfEyes
Whatever Daisuke Ishiwatari comes up with next. Right now it's Radiant Dawn , Dizzy's theme from Guilty Gear Strive. Thought it was cool at first, nothing mind blowing. Now I can't stop hearing it in my head.
2 0 ReplyRowRowRowYourBot Stevie Wonder “Uptight” (1968)
2 0 ReplyApollosArrow 2 0 Replyhungprocess
For almost a quarter century now:
2 0 Replyzabadoh OP I remember that game!
My friends were all saying how the tiger and cow always turned out evil, and I didn't dare tell them about my fluffy white tiger...
1 0 Reply
ehxor Tragically Hip’s “fireworks”
2 0 Replyyarr Is it wrong I thought of RFK when I read this?
2 0 ReplyRobotToaster
Dawson's Christian - Vic Tyler
2 0 Replyℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠 The remix of that "Hostile Government Takeover" reel
2 0 Replyneidu3 2 0 ReplyTwig
Aztec Camera - Somewhere In My Heart
Already starting to hate it, yet I can't stop listening to it
2 0 ReplyMicrowavedTea Watched Emilia Pérez lately and didn't really like it but the song Para has stuck with me since then.
2 0 ReplySeleni Across Dimming Asterisms. My brain seems to have developed an addiction to it.
2 0 Reply0ops Some jerk posted Escape from the Prison Planet by Clutch on lemmy somewhere awhile back and now it's been stuck in my head for three months straight
2 0 ReplyBlackmist
The tree song from Astro Bot.
2 0 Replythisismyhaendel Gypsy Woman (She’s Homeless) - Crystal Waters This song is so dumb and so amazing at the same time, I love it. Great dance song. Homeless - Mr. belt & Wezol is a solid remix too
2 0 ReplyGiven2fly Tell Me Why - Gotts Street Park & Olive Jones. Absolute joy.
2 0 ReplyGeeDubHayduke Gotta be Dark Side -Alexia Evelyn right now.
2 0 ReplyOnionguy Metju 2 0 Reply🎨 Elaine Cortez 🇨🇦
Two Dudes DigBar
1 0 Replyniiyon Dove Cameron's new single "Too Much" is on repeat in my head since it released 🥰
1 0 ReplyBenThereDoneThat This is a couple years old but I only discovered it last week. It is some heavy metal with riffs that remind me of the golden era
1 0 ReplyEve Ghost's new single Satanized will not leave my head!
1 0 Reply