Record cocaine bust in Canada 835 kilograms (1,840 pounds) of cocaine came in from USA
Record cocaine bust in Canada 835 kilograms (1,840 pounds) of cocaine came in from USA
Canadian authorities seized a record 835 kilograms of cocaine in Toronto, marking the largest drug bust in the city's history.

“We know that these drugs traveled all the way from Mexico, over the United States’ southern border, and then made their way here to Canada where we stopped and seized them,” said Toronto Police Chief Myron Demkiw at a press conference Tuesday, Jan. 21.
wise_pancake Can those guys not secure their own borders?
World’s largest defence budget and where does it go?
If they want maple syrup and real egg sandwiches they should get their borders under control.
83 0 ReplyNotSteve_ I feel like maybe we should tariff this country to hell for not preventing all these drugs and guns coming over from their border?
16 0 Replyjared
Wait, what's a "real egg sandwich"?
10 0 Replywise_pancake Possibly my favourite Doug Ford moment. Taking time out of his press conference to shill Tim Hortons
Edit: omg that channel has some golden moments. How could I forget Doug Ford swallows a bee
12 0 ReplyAlpacaChariot A sandwich with eggs from a chicken, instead of the traditional Murican Haribo Egg sandwich.
7 0 Reply
hoi_polloi They don't care about drug trafficking. Donald wouldn't have pardoned one of the biggest violent drug kingpins otherwise.
6 0 Reply
imvii OP
Maybe we need some tariffs against the USA until they clean up their act along the border?
66 1 ReplyBedSharkPal I mean we get more fentanyl from them already. Not to mention all the fucking guns.
18 1 ReplyJuxtaposedJaguar Canada needs to stop subsidizing the US with its fentanyl trade deficit
8 0 ReplyLemminary Same deal down here in Mexico with the fucking guns. Literally why we have cartels here with high powered weapons.
6 0 Reply
shittydwarf Maybe we should build a wall..
27 0 ReplyKrik
...and let 'murica pay for it.
19 0 ReplyOnno (VK6FLAB)
To save money and storage, you can use the bricks of cocaine intercepted at the border .. silver lining.
9 0 Reply
We need to build a wall to keep muricans out!
26 0 ReplyOnno (VK6FLAB)
So .. sanctions and tariffs?
25 0 ReplyPhoenixz Let's add another 25% on top of our tarrifs for the US until they fix their border, bunch of amateurs
23 0 ReplyLeFantome We should be calling the US media to run stories about the problem Canada has with drugs coming over its southern border.
20 0 ReplyFreshparsnip Well, what does Trump have to say for himself? Why is this somehow not his fault but would be any other leader's fault?
15 0 ReplyCircaV
He only knows how to blame others and can dish it out but. He can’t take it though, just like every bully that ever existed. He can call our PM governor and call into question our border and our sovereignty with the largest platform on earth but he can’t face the reality that they harm us with their guns and drugs and they can’t handle that our PM called him by his name, and not his honorary title. The US is a craven, pathetic, fash country.
6 0 ReplyGreyEyedGhost Call him Capo Trump. He'd probably think it's a compliment.
2 0 ReplyJuxtaposedJaguar Calling prime minister Trudeau "governor" is fine but calling president Trump "Donald" is too far.
2 0 Reply
brucethemoose He doesn’t care, it’s just drowned out in the noise of controversy.
4 0 ReplyJuxtaposedJaguar It makes great television.
1 0 Reply
The firehose of illegal drugs and guns just pouring in to Canada from the US is a national security issue for Canada. We should and must act accordingly.
13 1 Replycosmicrookie
Add 50% tarrifs to US imports until the US figures its drugs issues out
11 0 ReplyINHALE_VEGETABLES And we're keeping the cocaine
2 0 Reply
For security reasons we are going to have to up our tariffs.
9 0 ReplyHeadfullofSoup We should raise tariffs each time a illegal weapon is found coming from the US that will be a augmentation of 1000% tariffs before the week-end
5 0 Reply
Showroom7561 Trumps wall seems to only have one-way doors on them, eh?
Keep your guns and drugs out of our country!
9 0 ReplyEarthShipTechIntern Cocaine & poutine!
Best party ever (in the evidence locker, after hours?)
8 0 Replyshirro The US is a narco-state. Always has been. Should tariff them until the Sackler family are serving life.
8 0 ReplyJoe Dyrt It’s why they could not win “The War on Drugs”.
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werefreeatlast They love their coke fotos.
2 0 ReplyJokeDeity ahem You're welcome?
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