[likely solved] This metallic surface application around the edge of a bluray-disc
The disc is otherwise printed like a "normal" Bluray, but there is this metallic quadruple ring on top. The image is from the "proof" of a scene release, so it might have something to do with being an early release.
RFID type circuit. Would need to calculate the antennas length to find the operation frequency. The barbell shaped thing at the top is just a bridge, the thing on the right is the circuit.
It looks like an NFC antenna. But I can't explain why would one be on a disc.
Does it provide some additional data to a player? Or helps the publisher track it somehow?
Weird. It looks almost like an antenna. I'd assume it is identification for a screener but it looks a bit over engineered as such. Could it be some sort of self destruction to prevent playing more than once when the laser sweeps over some certain parts?