Remember when fossil fuel company scientists discovered their industry was warming the earth at an alarming rate? They predicted the end of humanity as we know it if we didn't stop? And now people are seriously arguing the more proven science?
Honestly no, and not because it didn't happen, but because it happened in 1896 before even my great grandparents were born. 127 years and 5 generations later and people are still denying that it's happening at all and there's been very little meaningful progress to move away from fossil fuels in that time. Things won't start to get better until climate change kills enough people off that we can no longer sustain an industrial society.
Normal people aren't denying it at all. Conservatives are denying it. That's it. Conservatives. A blend of idiots and their leaders who are paid by the pollutors.
Conservatives should be shunned and excluded from polite society. They are proactively killing us and we just walk among them as if they are normal people. They are not.
Things will never get better. When we can't sustain an industrial society then people will start murdering each other for the dwindling resources we have left. This is the best it's going to ever be in anyone alive's lifetime.
Eunice Foote's experiments in 1856 and the documentation of acid rain in the 1850s were sufficient information to stop expansion of fossil fuels without a clear and precise picture of their effects.
This problem can't be solved on the individual level. Governments need to say enough. Not just to the fossil fuel companies but also some of the people on the center left. Nuclear power is currently the only viable option for electricity. For the life of me, I don't understand why it's so opposed. Modern reactors are so safe and produce so little waste it's a ready made solution.
Neato! It really is just a piece of (waterproof) paper on a clipboard – and you write on the clipboard, too – and with just a regular graphite pencil. I can't say I've ever given much thought to how one might write underwater in that situation, but if I had, I would've guessed some sort of waterproof tablet. But it's cool to see that sometimes the basics work better.
Aren't we tired yet of "record" temperatures? How long we gonna play this game? Whenevery month is hotter then the last one? This isn't temporary. Sheesh.