I heard he was busy filming one that night that healthcare CEO got shot.
69 0 Replyglitch1985 Can confirm, I was the fluffer.
29 0 Replytoxiczombie Can confirm. I was the backup fluffer. Dude is an insane beast we had to take turns
12 0 Reply
Delphia Ill do a live re-enactment in court to prove it.
I'm straight as fuck but Ill take a mouth full of that dudes baby batter if it means getting him off... twice.
13 0 Replyglitch1985 Thank you for your service.
8 0 Reply
MrPoopyButthole Link or it didn't happen
47 0 Replytoxiczombie damn at least you get caps. they took mine away with the virus i got. shits annoying af
9 0 Reply
I'm going to need a 4k60fps copy of every single one of these films for verification purposes.
30 0 Reply
prenatal_confusion What are cinema style sex tapes?
39 0 Replymiss_demeanour OP
Pretending to be a film with a story, like an actual film. But it's porn.
Versus pretending to be a film about a casting couch or a bang bus. Which is also porn.50 0 ReplyBoxscape
But it's porn.
29 0 Reply
InvestBurnout Japanese pink tapes
10 0 ReplyTheAlbatross What is a Japanese Pink Tape?
15 0 Reply
ImplyingImplications French films.
2 0 Reply
Maple Engineer
Fucking legend.
31 0 Replyneidu3 Legend fucking.
16 0 Replywerefreeatlast Leging fuckend
4 0 Reply
coldsideofyourpillow For research purposes, could you give a link to the media so I can download it to my local storage? Asking for a friend.
27 0 Replyb161 The people wish to review the evidence. 🥵
25 0 ReplyFilthyShrooms
Cinema style? So like released in theaters?
22 0 Replysik0fewl They added a vignette in post.
14 0 Reply【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
Star wipe....
9 0 Reply
omgitsaheadcrab Fun but fake
20 0 ReplyJarix Not fake, just a prophecy
19 0 Replybuzz86us What does this have to do with anything? Who cares what he does in his private life
14 2 ReplyNosavingthrow This is... real and not for fun?
11 1 ReplyHasturInYellow Unfortunately, I believe it's a lie made up to smear his name. But damn. Wish it were true.
33 0 ReplyMeatPilot
I still don't understand why people think being sexual is bad. If their are two (or more) consenting adult who cares.
37 0 ReplyNosavingthrow The otherside is pretty fucking weird, right? "Just so you know, your hero is TOTALLY RAD! Bet you'll change your tune now!" Who are they trying to convince? My grandma?
18 0 ReplyNollij I guess it's all about perception. To me, it seems like a lie created by his supporters to make him seem larger than life.
9 0 Reply
FurtiveFugitive Your outtie starred in many cinema-style sex tapes and has many fans.
10 0 ReplyTh3D3k0y Thank you Ms Casey
5 0 Replymeyotch Don’t you have a dentist appointment?
3 0 Reply
Bosht I wonder if face swap / deep fake is good enough that these were filmed / faked as some sort of attempt at a smear campaign. Tin foil hat of course but I feel like something this 'hot' wouldn't have survived under wraps this long. Everyone watches porn. I know of at least 3 women myself that would have searched that shit on day one. Idk.
9 0 ReplyOptional Well if it's bullshit, what the fuck
er, so to speak.
8 0 Reply