Beautiful dashboard view headers, tons of tile card improvements and new features, better map clustering, Assist now streams responses, and integrating with SmartThings is now better than ever!
I originally installed it here to give me a bit more control over my solar/batteries - doing some calculations on how much to charge and at what rate overnight. Then I added charging up during free electricity times. Then saving sessions came along. Then I decided Predbat might be better than my Barbie calculations, so I got that set up.
In the meantime I ended up adding any device I could to it.
I have to set it up again along with my server, but the room my birds live in at my old home would slowly open the curtains in the morning, slowly fade in the room light, fade in the full spectrum bulbs, then do it all in reverse for their bedtime.
I turned a $20 Mr Coffee in to an automated, autoshutoff masterpiece with a Shelly plug and home assistant.
It starts brewing 15m before the lights slowly ramp on in the morning, or if we're up early because of my kid, when I slap the smart button next to the bed. It also handles my living room curtains.
Currently working through an automated mold management system (robovac, air filters and quality sensors). I live on a tropical island, so this is super important, especially if you're not running aircon 24/7 because you don't want an $900 utility bill.
I use it to preferentially run the freezer when solar or generator is providing excess energy, and to pump water up from the spring if it's too cold and the line might freeze.