This plus the perfect monitor rotation (22°) makes for peak efficiency.
22° assumes a specific aspect ratio. Assuming this monitor has an aspect of 9:32, the angle would be much smaller. Though I'm not sure how to calculate it lol. It looks like it's probably closer to 15°
Good old InternalFrameInternalFrameTitlePaneInternalFrameTitlePaneMaximizeButtonWindowNotFocusedState
Unlike buffalo, there is no law saying you can't have an infinite hierarchy of higher-order FactoryFactories producing lower-order FactoryFactories
And it s hows... Excel. 🤦
Good point. I hope it rotates to vertical orientation!
That would be one hell of a telescopic stand
Think about how many columns you can fit!
And you open Excel...
I really would like such a wide monitor with double the height. I need a view a lot of documents next to each other. It's annoying to scroll down all the time.
It's good for VBA too
C# tho
My fav 💙
Now that’s funny