Guys, this comic is a jab at conservatives, and is poking fun at how they're going to respond to getting screwed by Trump. The comic is positing that conservatives will just blame Democrats (usually their leader specifically), as they've done since time immemorial. These exact types of comics have been around since Reagan, they're all the same comic. The last big one was the "thanks Obama" meme, where Obama is blamed for every stupid little thing.
This isn't a comic about leftists blaming Biden. It's about the bull headedness and obtuse nature of conservatives.
Biden is not responsible for what Trump is doing. He is responsible for letting it happen. He failed to fight maga during the 4 years he had all the powers to do it.
To be accurate, it is not a fault, it is a failure. His responsibility is on this failure, not anything else.
Damn… I’m going to keep “not a fault, it’s a failure” in my back pocket. I’ve never heard it put that way when discussing a screw up that wasn’t really someone’s fault (in this case Biden, but could be Dems or even situations not politics related)
I feel being critical without blaming unfairly is a huge part of my personality, and so this type of convo actually comes up kinda frequently in my life, since so many people struggle to see gray areas between right and wrong, at fault and not at fault.
But what you said is a perfect way to better ensure that the meaning doesn’t get lost to blaming, after which the conversation is usually a lost cause.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks this. Biden didn't open the door for Trump, but he did stand aside. Bernie would have shredded Trump ... but you know, apparently primaries are the devil.
the powers trump is using now is not actual presidential powers and I would not see it used by their guys or ours. congress is the one who could have stopped this. mainly back when trump was in office and going through with the impeachment.
Is Biden also to blame for Trump's first 4 years? It's the people's fault! It's your damn fault too!
The world is still waiting for riots and precautions of election manipulation etc. But nothing comes from you. Just peaceful protests while trump pisses in your faces.
No hut the DNC definitely is for sabotaging sanders and his supporters to ensure the neo liberal class dictatorship could continue and prevent any platform movement to the left that might vaguely resemble a new FDR presidency
I'm not a US citizen, so no, I'm not to blame. And if you ask me I'm happy for the downfall of the USA. But I'm sad for the victims that will happen because of fascism. And I'm sad that liberals would still rather blame leftists than admit their own failures.
There is something there, but I don't know about Biden being the main focus. It feels like a little mini civil war where after the US Civil War for a very brief moment we had African American politicians, leaders, businesses, and equality seemed at least possible. Then you have the KKK and white supremacy pop up and it's all gone. We had a brief run with what felt like some equality or equitable society, and then a big white supremacist movement came up and they are moving hell and earth to drag us back to the 1770s
See how long you last as police chief if you choose to not suppress crime.
So yeah, police are explicitly responsible for minimising crime, that’s literally their job.
I admit there’s some nuance there since police aren’t expected to actually prevent all crime. In this metaphor I guess the question is whether Trump is a bog standard criminal that maybe gets around the police but is kept mostly in check, or if he’s a special level of super-criminal that police chief Biden should have his career judged against.
When someone robs your house, you blame the robbers. When the police refuse to do anything about it and you get robbed again by the same person 4 years later, you blame the police.
The voters, genuinely. Because they misunderstood what the vote meant. It wasn't about electing a democrating candidate, it was about keeping Trump out of office*. Note that this is not limited to non-voters, but includes every american.
*: This is not what a vote for the president is meant to be about. But hey, desperate times, desperate measures, that kinda stuff.
As someone from a place with compulsory voting and would vote regardless. You, I would vote any prick that stayed home and didn't vote. Especially when rates are less than half the voting population.
You're expecting more disastrous consequences than they are. Time will tell, but I think they'll find the tariff costs worth it for added manufacturing investment.
A lot of them are beyond help. Brains too melted. But there are some people who might not have turned out to vote, due to apathy, or getting hung up on specific issues they were unhappy with Biden about, who are now realizing their mistake. I wish these people had been paying attention, and voted more proactively rather than reactively. Everything he's doing now was warned about.
But there are some people who might not have turned out to vote, due to apathy, or getting hung up on specific issues they were unhappy with Biden about, who are now realizing their mistake.
And if democrats had pursued them with a tenth of the fervor with which they pursued republicans who were never going to vote for them, we wouldn't have trump now.
I mean they're happy because right now it's just "owning the libs". When their social security checks don't show up or their Medicaid gets denied I like to think they'll learn. But the Republicans are already trying to line that up to be "corruption and immigrants". I also like to think that the Republicans will lose some of their propaganda power the longer they are in office. You can only hit the "blame DEI" button so many times before it doesn't work anymore.
Then later that night, in fact nearly every night... "this is not happening this is not happening thisisnothappening MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB LITTLELAMB LITTLELAMB...!"
Strawman. Leftists don't claim Biden single-handedly ushered in fascism. Leftists underline how little Biden did to ensure a winning campaign, as well as how little he did to defend against Trump.
Biden enabled Trump by not stacking courts, not prosecuting trump hard enough, or choosing policy positions based on what would beat trump.
I don't think the victim here is a leftist. Trucker hat, rolled up sleeves; he's a working class conservative who's getting hammered by Trumps policies. He is still blaming Biden against all evidence.
If incompetency was prosecutable, every single ranking member of Biden's DOJ would be eligible for indictment.
From Tulsi Gabbard to Devin Nunes to Jared Kushner to Steven Miller, then number of Trump '16 era crooks who didn't get prosecuted when Biden had the chance could fill an entire Presidential cabinet.
Biden enabled Trump by not stacking courts, not prosecuting trump hard enough, or choosing policy positions based on what would beat trump.
I'm reminded of those 2-pt font "This is what Biden has done, you stupid leftists!" infographics that included dozens of citations of investigations and probes and FBI raids and committees and executive orders and threats to indict which amounted to... nothing! Biden's DOJ couldn't even be bothered to pursue a full prosecution. He left that to Alvin Bragg and a New York County Court.
If Dems wanted a prosecutor who was tough on crime at the top of the ticket, maybe they should have coronated him instead of Harris.
This isn't about leftists. The guy is dressed like a farmer, who majority voted for Trump. Trump turned around and immediately cut subsidies that small business farmers rely on, so many are now struggling. The comic is saying that they will still blame Biden despite being screwed by Trump. This could also be viewed as shorthand for any trump voter.
In reality, we've seen many farmers now communicate that they regret voting for trump. Alittle too little too late, it seems. They aren't as dumb as the comic artist paints them in that sense, just unempathetic.
Honestly, I'd kind of like to read some serious analysis on Trump on agricultural policy. I've pointed out that farmers are politically-important in red states, but many of Trump's policies look pretty bad for farmers to me.
Tariffs don't benefit them -- the US is globally competitive agriculturally. The people who want tariffs are in labor-intensive manufacturing. Tariffs just bring up the prices farmers pay, and counter-tariffs hurt them by keeping them from competing in foreign markets. Trump did have some relief funds sent farmers impacted by Chinese tariffs in his first term to mitigate the hit they took, but I'm pretty sure that they'd rather not have their business mucked up.
Trump may not actually do as much on illegal immigration as he tries to promote in his image, but he sure doesn't help, and US agriculture depends heavily on labor from illegal immigrants.
Trump going after SNAP, subsidized food for the poor, doesn't help. My understanding was that for a long time, farmers benefited primarily from federal crop insurance subsidies, but that due to a decline in influence, they basically teamed up with advocates for the poor to get food stamp subsidies in place, and that's now the primary form of federal farm subsidy.
When I look at the NFU --- the big farming industry association --- website, it doesn't sound very happy with Trump:
WASHINGTON – National Farmers Union President Rob Larew commented today on the President’s decision to implement tariffs on Canada, Mexico and China.
“The tariffs announced today, along with retaliatory measures from China and Canada, will have serious consequences for American agriculture. Our farmers are the backbone of this country, and they need strong, fair trade policies that ensure they can compete on a level playing field—not be caught in the middle of international disputes.
“We are already facing significant economic uncertainty, and these actions only add to the strain. Trade policies must come with real, tangible protections for the farmers directly affected. We’ve heard there’s a strategy in place—now we need to see it. Promises alone won’t pay the bills or keep farms afloat.
“Without a clear plan, family farmers will once again be left to bear the burden of decisions beyond their control, and eventually, so will consumers. We urge the administration to work with our trading partners to prevent further harm to rural communities.”
In the US political system, strongly-red or strongly-blue areas aren't as politically important, so you don't really need to worry about pissing them off -- they're gonna tend to vote for or against you regardless. That's especially true for the President, and true for a lesser degree for legislators.
But if I'm a legislator for an area, I do care about the industries in my area, and seeing the party that mostly represents rural areas producing a lot of what looks like disadvantageous-to-farmers policy going through kind of surprises me.
This is one of the big things that I don't really feel like I have a handle on regarding Trump administration policy.
EDIT: And I also see websites commenting on Trump policy not being good for farmers, so it's not just me making some kind of huge error in assessing this.
EDIT2: One issue for some farmers has been the EPA taking issue with farm runoff -- fertilizer causing algae blooms, like in the Great Lakes. If Trump weakens regulation on that, that might be popular with farmers. Farm runoff is a very big political issue in the Netherlands, and I know that that caused enormous political waves in the past few years.
Trump rollback could leave waterways vulnerable to pollution
Since his first weeks in office, President Donald Trump has targeted environmental and public health regulations that he says imposed unnecessary burdens on business. Speaking to farmers in Texas on Sunday, Trump repeated his frequent charge that an Obama-era attempt in 2015 to more clearly define what water bodies qualify for federal pollution protection was “one of the most ridiculous regulations of all.""
Thursday’s changes to the clean water rule have long been sought by builders, oil and gas developers, farmers and others.
So I guess that might be one selling point he has for farmers.
Yet people still decided who to vote for & who not to vote against.
People still hold responsibility for their vote or failure to vote: they knew who Trump was.
They'd seen his shit before.
Also, why do you think the guy in the trucker hat is a leftist?
....yeah. It is his fault. Because Donald Trump should be in a dark cell deep under ground. I wholly blame Merick Garland and Joe Biden for the current situation.
No, not all, but I think they're responsible for allowing a criminal and domestic terrorist to be able to retake the office they abused already. They're wholly responsible for that failure. Trump is guilty of his part, which is why he should be the one in prison. So I guess what I meant is I blame them almost as equally as I do Trump, not wholly.
I mean, over half a century of neolibs gutting the small semblance of social democracy we had did this. And Biden was certainly one of those people. It'd just be more accurate to say Trump, Biden, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush again, Regan...
Oh I must have been confused. I forgot that history doesn't exist. Everything started with whatever was last on TV. Donald Trump is just randomly the president for no reason. There must not be any reason he has the power to do the things he's doing. Nope. It's a mystery. Carry on.
Batman can't kill The Joker because, if he does, the writers can't bring The Joker back in the next issue for Batman to defeat again.
Presumably, Biden couldn't prosecute Trump for the same reasons. Dems ran the same Pied Piper Strategy that worked so well in 2016, secure in their ability to defeat someone as easy and vulnerable as The Donald.
Gotta give the people what they want. And what they want is another election with Donald Trump at the top of the ticket.