I'd say establishing far-right nonsensical talking points in German mainstream is an even bigger success, as Germany was not against its history but because of it immune to right-wing populism until then.
There is a lot of "I voted Brexit and now admit my mistake" kind of sentiment going around at the moment. I saw a youtube video of a pensioner who basically drove around Europe in his caravan, staying 9 months a year in Spain who voted for Brexit. He was now saying what a mistake it was; but here's the rub.. The twat was not sorry for the damage that he had caused to the economy or the youth of the UK. All he was concerned about was the effect that it was having on him; the selfish prick! Upset that his caravan needed to be sold as he could only travel 90 days out of 180 and so it had doubled his living costs and how he and his friends vans were now worth a fraction of what they were as no-one wants them due to the restrictions.
Fuck him and fuck the others like him. Self pitying selfish pricks who are reaping what they sewed.
My heart bleeds for the youth and those that voted no to Brexit. The ones that vote leave deserve everything they get and more! Fuck 'em.
I left the UK in part due to Brexit. I'm a British citizen too.
I remember drinking with my friends and my Austrian friend said this to me: we will be fine, we are in tech, we may earn less but we will survive .. the ones that will hurt most are the idiots that voted for this.
I like his sentiment, but I wish it were that the ONLY people that would be hurt would be them. For absolutely nothing but a vague sense of nationalism.
I love how some of the influential millionaires in Britain were really vocal about being pro Brexit, and then as soon as it actually happened, they moved themselves and their business outside of the UK.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, all the right-wing nutjobs never actually want to live somewhere populated and run by their kind. They love all the benefits of liberalism and social safety nets provide, they just don't want to contribute to any of it.
As a Brit who fought against Brexit and would welcome reentry at pretty much any price (perhaps bar adopting the Euro, at least for now) reading this sort of news is bitter sweet.
Sadly our leaders don’t care about the actual country so it’ll be a long time before membership happens.
I was looking for someone with your view to ask. Why is holding on to the Pound such a big hurdle? Which would you rather accept: the Euro and Schengen zone, or the continued decline of your country through post-Brexit policies and outcomes?
GBP is the fourth global reserve currency and financial services hover around 9% of our GDP so a move to a unified currency could have real material damage to our economy. Also as a nation that sees itself as a close ally of the US (regardless of what the US thinks) having independence on monetary policy is core to how we operate as a global power.
I can see a time when the Euro and full Schengen (although being an island nation that will always be hard) membership is desirable but that will come after we cease being what we currently are on the global stage - I hope it doesn’t get that far.
The post-Brexit decline we’re facing isn’t endless, eventually a new normal will be established but it will be far below the economic standard we could have had and will hurt us scientifically, culturally, and medically as well as economically. Having to also chuck out what is currently our only big industry to start to grow again is a big ask. Membership on closer terms but without an obligation to the Euro is probably what we will ask for when we eventually do, but there is no guarantee the EU will want us. Especially if we start to steal the finance jobs back from Frankfurt.
A lot of in-country resistance comes from the “EU Army” fallacy but that doesn’t worry me, closer integration is a good thing in my mind.
I'm of the same mindset, at least for now. It's a combination of 2 things.
Pride/ego is a big one for a lot of people.
The second one is the economic hit of the transfer. There will be 2 big jolts. Bringing our economic cycle fully into line with Europe, and the greedflation that will occur with the price changes.
Right now, we are in a bit of a crisis. The rich have pumped too much money up and out. The lower working class are right on the cliff edge economically. The jolt will be felt worst by them. Right now, I wouldn't be surprised if it could completely crash our economy.
Don't get me wrong, for the benefits of the EU, I'd personally swallow my pride on the matter. The economic effect would be scary, particularly with the current caliber of MP at the helm.
IIRC adopting the Euro (and changing the currency oc a country in general) costs a huge amount of money. Additionally the brits probably out a lot of pride in their currency, so the leap from "we're so great we don't need the EU and even are better off ourselves" to "we not only need the EU but the Euro as well" is even farther as just adopting a new currency or just reentering.
This is such an epic case of self-own. UK had a great deal, they shat on it for "reasons" and the next deal, if they are ever allowed to join will look like shit compared to what they had.
It's like a guy married to a supermodel, PhD astrophysicist cheating on her with a 10$ stripper.
As an American, while I am so incredibly bitter about what is going on with my own country, I think it pains me even more to think about how Brexit has affected Great Britain. I feel like we, at least, have a chance of clawing our way back to sanity some day, but the changes Brexit made. . that's so tough. I wish their youth all the luck, they have a tough road ahead of them.