I am putting this up on behalf of someone else (I was asked so nobody would get in trouble for bumping while this thread is pinned). This is going to get thread-gamey. Here is how this works. Each person will comment with a feeling. You can go as intricate as you'd like in terms of details, and see if anyone relates. People who relate must reply "+1" to the initial comment, and maybe detail it even more from their perspective or try to explain the feeling for example. Those who don't relate must reply with "-1".
You can look in the replies for examples. There's another thread on another site that serves as the inspiration to this as well, if that helps to provide a basis for how this works.
Paranoia that you will be accused of something you didn’t do, so you arrange your actions around it to avoid being suspicious, only to fear that will make you suspicious anyway.
Writing something before falling asleep midway through it, only to awaken shortly afterwards, and then feeling like you don't understand how to grasp the rest of what you're trying to write in order to finish it.
-1 as that was how I felt couple of years ago but the exitment wore off. I sadly no longer feel that way but that time was great. (I have one more feeling to discover for 100% completion rate)