‘If the circumstances are right, in 2028...I’ll do it,’ the former Democrat VP hopeful said
Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’ 2024 running mate, has suggested he may run for president in 2028.
Reflecting on the Democrats’ loss to Donald Trump and JD Vance, he admitted: “A large number of people did not believe we were fighting for them in the last election – and that’s the big disconnect.”
Walz said his life experience, rather than ambition, would guide his decision.
Though his VP campaign was marred by gaffes, he remains open to running if he feels prepared.
I remember Republicans checking out on elections back in 2018 because they bought hard into the Trump "elections are rigged" propaganda. The GOP lost seven Senate seats that year as conservative turnout plunged.
I wonder if Democrats will make the same mistake in 2026.
Or maybe a Hungary-style election where the entire media landscape shills for the ruling class and people on social media are bombarded with misinformation and one-sided reporting.
The way I read it, electoral college votes are the one thing where individual states can somewhat easily cancel elections for President, as long as they do so before the election. States have broad discretion over the appointment of electors. All states currently appoint them based on the results of elections, but the rules around that are all set by State legislation, and can be reset by States as well. The only Federal requirement is that the rules don't change after any election is held.
Prior Supreme Courts have ruled that things like the Equal Protection clause may be used to challenge any act where the legislature restricts voting rights once they have been granted. But who knows what this clown Court would make of that.
Congressional elections, on the other hand, must be held in order for those seats to be filled. So any state that unilaterally cancels elections across the board will be sending nobody to Congress (and likely any expired Senate terms as well). Some states may go the extra mile and cancel the election for President, but not for Congress. We'll see how that turns out.
The one thing we have going for us is that Don's dementia and age are going to increasingly make it difficult for him to hold his party together. And there is the chance one of those things will leave the GOP trying to field a new traitor to try and get the cult to consolidate around.
once he kicks the bucket, assuming they can't find someone the republican base will support as fervently as trump, the entire party is done for, it will collapse into a blackhole of nothingness.
There will definitely be an attempt to eliminate or "postpone" them. I'm certain Trump is looking at Putin in power and other governments in a state of war without elections as inspiration.
Nah, there probably will. Whoever is taking control of the US really don't care about MAGA's and 3rd terms. They'll just put another puppet there, the new way of doing things in post-capitalism still maintains and some people will continue to get increasingly very rich doesn't matter who the prez is. We finally reached "the future".
The Harris campaign had to cover the governor’s tracks when he tripped up during a California fundraiser by stating that the constitutionally-mandated system used to select the president, otherwise known as the electoral college, “needs to go”.
How the hell is that a gaffe? It's both the truth and exactly what people want to hear. Any lib who thinks like that needs to kindly keep their mouths shut for the next four years. This country needs radical change, the only choice you get is which one you want.
The Harris campaign made a cowardly attempt to walk back the governor's statements when he said during a California fundraiser that the broken election systems used for gerrymandering and enabling the double elections of Donald Trump, "needs to go".
Just guessing, but it might be a gaffe because it could be skewed to sound like he doesn't believe in democracy. Of course, this makes no sense because Trump has quite literally said that we might not need another election in four years.
A more careful statement might have been, "the electoral college needs to be replaced with a system where every citizen's vote has the same magnitude." If that's not the mathematical ideal of democracy, I don't know what is.
Edit: For you pedantic mathematicians, I'll add that everyone's vote should have the same magnitude, and that magnitude should be greater than zero.
If that's not the mathematical ideal of democracy,
That is the mathematical ideal of populism.
Democracy is "government by consent of the governed"; There is no good way of democratically electing a singular individual. Which is why the presidency should be little more than a figurehead, with very little actual authority.
The pearl-clutching Tone Police in the Democratic Party are nothing if not exhausting, that's for sure.
The Republicans can and do say just about whatever the fuck they want, and that's sanewashed, and overlooked, and brushed under the rug, sometimes even celebrated, but the tone police in the "liberal media" and the left, and the Democratic Party itself will be there, wagging-finger at the ready, if some Democrat misses a semicolon .
i'm not even sure what that text is supposed to be referencing?
I assume it's not literally the message itself, because that would be kind of broad. I'm guessing he just said it weirdly, and that bothered people, because of course it did.
Him calling the GOP weird was not a gaffe but the campaign made him walk away from that language because it might offend potential turncoats. The fact he is internalizing the criticism worries me.
My only "problem" with the weird-comments were that they were overused. While it is certainly true, and Waltz had every reason to call it out, supporters often kept repeating it in the context of "look how triggered Republicans are by this". After a while it gave me the same vibe as people shoehorning "let's go brandon" into every situation.
context of "look how triggered Republicans are by this".
If you want to shake the cult's faith in their cult leader, then yes, you want to trigger them. They're triggered because they sense the loss of innate, automatic strongman support.
When you're trying to get a political movement going, there's no such thing as an overused slogan. The fact that it was getting used so much was evidence it was working, and part of that was because it got at the right in the same way that they try to other minorities
“Once we isolate key people, we look for people we know are in their upstream – people that they read posts from, but who themselves are less influential. We then either start flame wars with bots to derail the conversations that are influencing influential people, or else send off specific tasks for sockpuppets (changing this wording of an idea here; cause an ideological split there; etc).”
I'm more interested in seeing if democrats hold honest primaries.
Or primaries at all.
Continue to pretend that every criticism from your left is from your right. It makes it easier to blame the left you hate when you lose to the right you admire.
Considering democrats held primaries in 2016, 2020 and 2024 and they lined up with what polls where saying what would it take for you to believe that the primaries are honest?
Zionism, obviously. But if course, anyone who criticizes Israel or it's supporters must be a secret right-winger or foreign agent, nobody could possibly be legitimately bothered by an apartheid state doing genocide.
It already happened. I vaguely remember something my boss would tell me about him being gay or something like that. Idk it was some completely made up horseshit.
you do realize Biden's neolibs just supported a far right leaders muderous war crimes right? And the progressives were fighting that criminalality the whole time.
Biden and Blinken should be in chains at the Hague, but somehow you want to blame progressives for your sides rampage against human decency.
She is a cop. She dropped out in 15th place in the 2020 primary before she was embarrassed in her home state of California. They should have never ran her and that's why they didn't do a primary.
Or she could have not played this game, that she willfully engaged in. Harris is the epitome of a career politician that rose through the ranks by doing what the party elites wanted her to do.
Once she was announced candidate, she had all the options to go for her own platform and grow a spine, if she has one. Also that is a quality that is crucial in a president, who wants to lead the supposedly most powerful country on earth.
And this shows, what the DNC wants. They dont want a strong leader. They want a puppet they can control. This is also why they were more than happy to have Biden go for another 4 years, not despite, but because of his declining mental state making him a great puppet.
Ah, Klobuchar. She is the prize senator from the DFL-- their only Sr Senator. She more or less runs it. The same Klobachar who threw out every single police misconduct case given to her when she was a county prosecutor, including the murder of George Floyd by officer Derek Chauvin. She just let him walk because he was a cop.
I saw a video of him sitting down to have an earnest conversation with hardcore Trump farmers and they left liking him a lot. He's got that "common sense" Midwestern energy on lock and I can see him gaining a lot of ground with the blue collar and rural folks because of it.
If he has pro-hunting gun views like Bernie, he'll be an amazing pick.
Muricans won't show up to elect a woman as president and y'all need to figure this out.
I love AOC but if she ran as president you're gonna see exactly what happened the last two times a woman ran.
Gotta be realistic. It's a shitty reality but it is the reality we live in.
Walz is a good candidate with a history of helping his citizens. AOC is a firecracker for sure, but the public isn't going to elect a woman of color. They just aren't.
That's what they said about black men until one ran as a progressive and won twice by sizable margins. Perhaps it's not the race / gender that's the biggest hindrance but the policies.
Harris and Clinton are both hardcore establishment neolibs. Clinton had Epstein murdered in his cell to cover the rampant sex trafficking crimes of the elites, and Harris campaigned with the Cheneys and thought it was smart politics. It’s not their gender that turned people off, voters just didn’t want to show up for another corporate robot. AOC could be remarkably different here.
A) she's a woman and they've tried that twice already
And more importantly B) she has said many times she doesn't agree with a lot of the democratic party's policies. She has beliefs that would undoubtedly vibe with a ton of voters but there's been a very obvious pattern of both parties only primary-ing "fly right" candidates.
I think Bernie scared the crap out of them and they don't want a repeat of that. Heaven forbid we get a candidate actually for the people!
It's not about the gender at all. Dems don't seem to care about that. They care about having a reason to get off the couch. The only time Republicans win is when Dems can't be bothered to get their asses moving.
What matters is having someone exciting enough to get the Dems to show up to the booth. Neither Hillary nor Kamala brought fresh energy or anything exciting except a continuation of the status quo establishment.
Please, no Tim Waltz either. I love the guy but my god, we need something fresh besides another sweet grandpa on the ballot.
Please, democrats. No. We have to do better. Biden barely slid by in 2020. Ffs. No more sweet grandpa's scuffling around the debate stage.
The reason a lot of people think that way, is that any truly progressive candidate isn't backed by the DNC.
Also, very recently, AOC was denied a seat at the table for a dying, cancer ridden old white guy. Granted, it wasn't a spot in an election, but her own party looked the other way for a leadership role.
you're right, we didin't want hillary, the cabal wanted her, we wanted bernie, the cabal wanted harris, we wanted dean, the cabal said his whoop was too much...don't be this naive dan
It’s not a cabal, just plain old corruption. Harris was anointed when instead we could have had a contested primary just before the DNC to excite voters. Hillary colluded with Debbie Wasserman Schultz to steal the nomination from Bernie.
Who fucking cares? The moderates who were supposed to swoop in and save Kamala pointedly didn’t. Catering towards a fictional segment of the electorate is (demonstrably) a recipe for failure.
I'll vote for him in the generals, I will beg other people to vote for him and I will spread the word on his policies, but I'd never vote for him in a million years in a primary. He's just a republican in a blue tie on certain issues like Palestine.
That's what the primaries are for. Selecting a candidate for your party to proceed with. The general election should set aside that division with the candidate having been chosen for the party already.
I think it would actually be very easy to unite their bases. At a certain point we're going to have to acknowledge that progressive populism is appealing to every demographic apart from evangelicals, xenophobes, and 3%ers. Midwesterners who like Walz may be more religious and worse LGBTQ+ allies, but fundamentally people want someone who is going to even the playing field for workers and that's something that both groups would appreciate. A large amount of any campaign is going to have to be education about the benefits of unions, public projects, and being a member of your community rather than a shut-in if they want to generate positive buzz. Negative buzz is easy, just call the fascists weak and gross.
Personally, I'm hoping Zelensky will run for US president after strong Dien in Ukraine. You might be thinking that someone from another country can't be president. Well.... looks at current situation in White House At least this one would be elected.
Burr would be a good choice. I hate to lean hard into identity politics here, but a blue collar aesthetic cishet white guy seems to have a better chance of winning so long as he's progressive.
Dems have been thinking of it backwards. The center wants vibes, the left wants policies.
I hate this persistent belief that much of America is still too racist and sexist to accept a black or woman president. I hate it, even if it may be true.
Walz was great in 2024. He had enthusiasm and actually answered the interviewers' questions. I would have preferred the symbolic victory of a black woman president, but I like Walz better as an individual person. I think he could have won if he'd been the presidential candidate. Well, Harris won too, but I mean he could have won even with the voter suppression stealing all those democratic votes.
President Walz and Vice President Cortez is the future we need. But probably not the future we'll get.
Your black woman president actively help sending bombs to kill brown people in gaza. Not to mention all the brown people she fed to the private prison industry.
As a good liberal, you probably think of brown people as human as long as they're rich and american
Are we playing the accuse people of having political views they don't have game? Okay okay! My turn!
You're a posadist. You want to encourage global nuclear war so society will collapse and communist aliens will save us. And I think your ideology is silly and look down on you for following it!
What exactly were his policy positions? What was important to him? Back in my day candidates spoke about those. Now he just runs with his big goofy smile and talks about being a coach.
He was VP. His espoused policy was effectively supporting Harris'. If you look at his record in MN and actually listen to his statements, his native policy positions become pretty clear. I don't know when your day was, but people have been as politically illiterate as you since the fucking oongaboonga times.
I would have preferred the symbolic victory of a black woman
Really? Electing president by the color of the skin and/or sex? You totally deserve the current president then. He perfectly symbolizes your values: racism, sexism and degeneratism.
We could do (and have done) a lot worse. My only concern is whether or not he has the backbone to refuse to be steered to the right, the way Kamala was after the convention. His Midwestern politeness definitely didn't serve him well in the debate.
The DNC consultancy class are almost certainly to blame for every failure they've had since 2016. Or sooner, I'm just stopping there out of convenience.
I might call that steering. I don't think Harris really believes in anything.
I hope you're right, at least to a point. Carter was following up the absolute disaster that was the Nixon administration by removing significant amounts of power from the executive, codifying norms that Nixon had flouted, and showing a conciliatory, less-combative presence on the world stage within a fairly flammable geopolitical context. All of that is exactly, to the letter, what we need from the 48th president.
Now, sure, Carter lost to Reagan. But I get the feeling that Walz wouldn't suffer such a fool.
Is he going to play a centrists or actually move the needle?
Don't need another "capitalist Harris"
Seemed like a genuine awesome dude, love what he's done in Minnesota but I lack faith that in the democratic party he'll do any good. That and he needs to work on debating....
Rather have AOC
That said better than most of the geriatric pandering democratic ineffective options. Even though he'll be close to 70....
For wast majority of Americans capitalist Harris is actually rapid communist comrade Harris. For significant majority of registered voters her existence is a rampant leftist propane and seven steps too far.
USians are firmly on the rigth, and unless you fix that, all your exciting candidates will achieve jack shit.
I'd argue that it wasn't so much that the campaign failed but the DNC did by failing to recognize the importance of the election and worrying too much about not turning off Republicans. The reality of Tim Walz is he's not going to be subject to the racism and misogyny Harris was. Maybe that's enough.
Absolutely not. I'm sure you've already seen a hundred people arguing this already so I won't do so, but just... No. This mentality will only lead to disaster.
Honestly, he was OK as a candidate, but he didn't wow me, and he shit the bed in the debate which imo makes him a poor choice. He wasn't as bad as "they're eating the dwawgs" but he really blew it when they asked him about his time in China. All he had to say was that he was there around that time and maybe he misspoke, but what matters was the sentiment. It's a really easy question to answer instead he just fumbled his words like crazy.
He said he's notoriously bad at debating, and imo that's like saying I'm really bad at taking tests. So you are saying that you aren't good at the part where we find out what you know? You can't articulate your positions without a teleprompter? If you can't debate, then you must not be that fervent about them imo, and the person that takes on trump, (assuming we have a real election) needs to be able to call him on his bullshit to his face. I think Walz had way too much of an aww shucks vibe. He's too "Minnesota Nice". We need AOC.
I'm the opposite. I know that snappy comebacks on live stages are not what make a presidency great. Even if someone can't give immediate responses in a debate, I can respect them if they display anger and passion when appropriate, and reason and negotiation when that's appropriate. You might be overestimating that a president needs to be an image of perfection all the time to every single person, when our current one survived conviction as a sex offender.
The ability to do behind the scenes work is super important. It's half the requirement. But the other half is being able to do in the moment interactions. Look at Trump/VD with Zelenski. Being charismatic and able to handle in-person negotiations with foreign leaders is hugely important.
A gay man? No way, they need to run a straight white cis man. It's fucking sad to say it, but for now...it has to be done. Too many racist, sexist and homophobic people out there.
Agreed. Push ahead in the good times. I just hope they run someone who will actually try to make things better and not placate the MAGA crowd and corps.
The things Walz has accomplished in his time in Minnesota is actually remarkable, especially given Minnesota's traditionally libertarian/purple local politics.
Literally the only attack Republicans in Minnesota have is his handling of the George Floyd protests and his COVID response, and those are weak and they know it.
Under him we here in Minnesota got dozens of extremely progressive policies put though, our social programs have dramatically expanded and are extremely well funded, corruption has been rooted out, and our economy is booming. The Minnesota DFL under his leadership have gained a ton of ground as well, where nationally the DNC has given up a ton.
No, he isn't a great orator or debater. But as a politician and policy maker he's a rare combination of progressive, well respected, and effective.
Would have wanted him as president nominee either way, hope he gets it. The name Tim Walz is a name that needs to go down in history with the title "saviour of the US" or smth like that
Oh yes, please, older people, maybe I'll have my late great grandma run a campaign for the democrats from her grave.
Edit: not that I prefer a republican after trump. I'm certainly not far right. But I'm tired of seeing running leaders being this old. Can you americans get AOC to run for once?
wha? I thought it was known that walz was actually pretty young (60) compared to how he looks lol. Definitely on the older side of average age for president looking at the stats, but he's 2 years younger than jon stewart and even gavin newsom is 57.
His debate performance was poor against Vance. We don't need a kindly father-figure running against Republicans, we need an attack dog that knows police cold, who can articulate that tax cuts cost more in tax revenues than we make up in added jobs, economic growth, etc., someone that's going to actively piss-off billionaires and then not kiss their asses once they have power... We need a leftist populist, someone that will get people fired up.
Walz is not that guy.
One lesson that I've seen in politics over and over again is Dems running the same candidate in a rematch, and the rematch always goes worse than the original election.
I don’t know, he might be able to do it with decent advisors.
He was the one who kicked off that “Republicans are weird” messaging campaign which was incredibly effective until establishment Democrats shut it down. If he brings that sort of energy again I’d support him.
Even if it's not him that runs and takes up that mantra again, the DNC needs to stop standing on the air hose of their own candidates. The rest of the party needs to pick up that mantra, because the truth of the matter is the Republicans are VERY FUCKING WEIRD.
They are absolute freaks. Obsessed with getting everyone to follow the rules of their little book club. With controlling women. Losing sleep over where trans people poop. Obsessed with kissing the asses of freak billionaires like Musk.
More importantly, that narrative was working. People noticed. Because it is so very true and people were happy to have someone with a megaphone saying the truth like that.
I mean he can run for primary. A lot of people should. The DNC just needs to take their finger off the scale and let the actual people decide what candidate they want.
it was perfectly fine? He could most definitely run well after trump, due to the classic american flip flop phenomenon. Chances are he'd win, if the public is upset enough about how trump did, which right now, isn't looking great. And probably will continue to be that way.
He's literally obama, but white.
walz has also had a historically successful career in politics? Just look at what minnesota is doing.
Vance was polished, smooth, knew his talking points and bullshit claims cold. Walz, not so much. He didn't have good counters to a lot of the shit that Vance was throwing out. The broad consensus is that Vance handily won the debate, much like the broad consensus was that Harris trounced Trump in the debate.
He’s literally obama, but white.
He is not even close to being a white Obama. Obama is a highly skilled orator, extremely skilled debater, and a scholar. Tim Walz connects well with people--perhaps especially well with midwestern people--but he is not a particularly strong orator, is fairly weak in debates, and is definitely not a scholarly type. They may be close on policy, although I would hope that Walz would be farther to the left than Obama was.
I don't why after Biden was VP everyone wants to pretend VP is a stepping stone to presidency...
All it does is hang the prior candidate around their neck like an albatross. And since Kamala couldn't stop talking about how she'd be Biden 2.0, it's gonna be really hard for Walz to say he's different than those two.
Voters don't want "more of the same". And as soon as Walz announced his VP run, he became "more of the same".
It's going to be really hard to distance himself from all the conservative policies that made Kamala and Biden so unpopular with Dem voters.
Lots of former Vice Presidents become Presidents later on. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Van Buren, Teddy Roosevelt won reelection, Richard Nixon, HW Bush, and Biden, all became presidents in their own right.
So we have Biden, sandwiches between the worst president ever because the primary was a force and we literally had zero options...
Then 37 years earlier when HW replaced Reagan and carried his torch..
So the two examples are the VPs of two of the most charismatic president, and they were both attached to them because their own complete lack of ability to win primaries precluded them from making it to the general?
Like, I'm pretty sure you won't realize you're making my point....
But c'mon man, you really can't see that VP is where presidential ambition goes to die and the only thing that changes it is for their president to have been insanely popular with their own voting base?
You don't even have a little tingle that you're wrong here?
No doubts that maybe the other person knew what they were talking about?
Better than 70+. But he will be 64 at the time of the election. That means 68 at the time of the next one if he wins. I thought we were trying for younger presidents. Can we aim for someone in thier 50's?
Bernie generally runs in the Primaries but so far has not won a primary, I'm honestly not sure if a presidential candidate can run as a VP after losing the primary, but it's whoever wins sole discretion who they choose as their VP so AOC is definitely an option.
Something else to keep in mind is that a congressman who wins Presidency has to leave their seat in congress, which means blue -1 for either senate or house at least until the vacancy gets filled and at most until they win that district again.
There aren't that many leftists in the USA. What leftists do exist are concentrated enough in the USA that most politicians can ignore them as they aren't in their electorate. If you doubt either of those claims please find me a state government that is consistently progressive.
regulations against all forms of malice and negligience
body autonomy
So the vast majority of the DNC and especially their presidential candidates check every box and these stances poll at like 60-90%. Generally more states follow this creed than not, such as California, but some things like healthcare are a little too complicated to do for a single state but the best states are blue such as Hawaii.
If 60-90% back the stance but not the party which holds it then you don't have a problematoc party you have an information problem and an intelligence problem.
Except, before the DNC reeled him in with kamala's campaign, he regularly had excellent policy and progressive stances that would shake the middlest of middle right Dems. Things like free school lunches and gender affirming care and reproductive health care protections from the federal government. I would take him over Kamala any day to be quite honest.
We know that female candidates with male VP's named Tim don't win against Republicans. Hillary and Kamala proved that. But this is wholly different, so its possible, concievable...
What's become clear in American politics is that it doesn't matter if you hang a little to the left or a little to the right so long as you're not cleft down the center.
I'm worried that despite having very good views himself that he is going to be tainted by the past. Not without reason too, because the consultants made him stand down with the "weird" insult and progressive messaging. Like most of these people, if it's not their authentic campaign, then whose is it? He's demonstrated, like most people who reach a moment in their career to seriously consider this, that he's too malleable for populist politics. It's possible that he completely sheds that team and runs his own, but who here really thinks that's going to happen? I'd believe it if we had AOC for VP. The pressure to succumb to inferior messaging is higher than it'll ever be during a presidential campaign, I don't really trust anyone to stay firm except AOC, Talib, and Bernie because they have demonstrated resistance in this sort of high pressure consultant environment.
Walz's self-awareness is refreshing, but his track record doesn’t inspire national confidence. Lacks deeper analysis of whether his candidacy would be viable given his role in the 2024 defeat.
I wouldn't mind a big field of (good) Democratic candidates. Sanders, AOC, Crockett, Walz, they can all campaign. They can mutually have have their rivals as VP picks, and Sanders can have a public contract where the VP can remove him from office, if his age makes him mentally unfit for office.
What I would like to see, is a dynasty of (genuinely) progressive candidates of at least 24+ years. Sanders/Jasmine --> Jasmine/AOC --> AOC/???.
The Geronocrats and Republicans had the opportunity to show their worth, and have been found wanting. It is time for some new blood that truly cares about the wellbeing of Americans and the globe.
Unless he steps up and starts fighting alongside the progressives trying to do something (like joining Bernie's current Midwest tour), I don't see him as being a viable candidate for 2028.
I like Walz. A lot. But he's got to show more leadership on the national stage right now, ala Newsom, Whitmer, Pritzker and (in a pleasant surprise) Mills. I think he was thrust onto the national stage before he was ready by the DNC looking to swing the Midwest with a non-threatening centrist candidate, and his silence after the election (and the lack of a real response from the Harris campaign) has left it to other governors to take up the mantle of national leadership.
Would I vote for him if he were on the ticket? Yes. Would I vote for him over Newsom, Whitmer or Pritzker - probably not unless he steps up and takes the battle to Trump NOW.
Governor Walz, we need you protecting Minnesota as you have been. While you possibly being president would be the boost of democracy this country needs, my opinion is that you hold the fort exactly where you are.
Hard pass, doesn’t have a chance in hell unless the Trump admin really fucks up. The only reason Harris chose him was because they thought he would appeal to the Midwest hardcore MAGA, but he’s pretty a pretty weak and boring candidate. Dems need their own outsider or at least outsider passing candidate. AOC or Pritzker might be the best choices atm. I know, another billionaire, but that’s the game.
His stance on Israel vs Palestine is pretty agreeable. Palestine ≠ Hamas and Israel should be held accountable for the deaths of innocent Palestinians.
Yay back to the same old same old likeable candidate who will do the same old same old things that will eventually allow for another Trump. Rinse and repeat...
That's more time for the lazy Americans to organise and have a communist revolution. That's the goal. Delay fascism until the workers get their act together.
Americans will never revolt. Period. They'll change their pfp and hashtag and protest peacefully, but will never do what's necessary to ensure a fair and meaningful existence for us all.
Walz is a completely valid candidate. The only thing that held up Harris was that she was a black woman. I'm confident that any reasonable white man would have beat Trump, and that's unfortunate, but it's the reality of the American electorate
I don't think that's even remotely true. While it is true that the USA has it's fair share of racists and sexists, Hillary won the popular vote, and Obama is one of America's most popular presidents.
Harris lost because she ran a terrible campaign, on the coatails of another terrible campgaign, from a terrible president.
Don't you know? It's 1000% the Dems fault that so many people decided to stay home.
I loath the Dems but not nearly as much as the people who sat on their asses and let Trump waltz back into power, whether it be by using their vote to go third party as a weak protest, or by staying at home altogether.
This was a failure of MANY different groups of people.
"If you have a population of selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders"
Walz is likable and has that working class appeal, but his debate performance wasn't great. I'd vote for him, but I don't think he'll make it through the primaries. I'd much rather have Pete Buttigieg personally.
The people are not. The capitalist leaders are. If the US were a democracy, the pro-genocide candidates wouldn't win.
The problem is that the anti-genocide candidates never appear on the ballot in all 50 States. And they get arrested for trying to appear on the nationally televized candidate debates.
I live in MN. Last year Tim W was having his house renovated. So he rented a house for over 17000 dollars a month for him and his family to live in while his house was worked on. MN tax payers paid for this. Absolutely ridiculous.
This is categorically false and I'm pretty sure you know it. The Sunfish Lake house was a possibility on a list of options, but turned down for the high cost. He ended up renting Eastcliff house on the University of Minnesota campus for only $4,400/mo.
If I knew that was false, I would not have said it, but thanks for calling me a liar! And no, I had not heard that the place his family stayed had changed. They had planned on staying in the expensive place, maybe it was changed due to so many people calling him out on it.