Every American should file for a refund of all the SS taxes they paid when they do their income taxes next year. With the gutting of the IRS on top of SS, they’ll probably accept those claims without question and accept those refunds.
Musk has been spouting how Social Security is a scam and how tariffs will make up for it. Basically, kiss your social security pension away and just hope a substitute pops up - although it will likely be in the form of "get a check if you don't criticize us" now. DOGE is an excuse to Big Data everything from every department and process it through AI, including knowing your political association.
My nice but moronic neighbor is one of those "but he just talks a lot of shit, he won't do that" types. Surprise: he does talk a lot of shit and he's increasingly doing that shit too.
Why are you so happy that people are unrepresented by their options in the voting booth? Don't you believe in democracy? It's not like the flaws of First past the post voting only became known in the last election. I certainly saw many comments just like yours when Donald Trump was first elected. Why did blue states refuse to change how votes were counted? Why are they still using FPTP voting?
Are you working to get these people represented? There are alternative voting systems that give people the freedom to vote outside the two party system without a spoiler effect. Here are some videos to reference while you work towards passing electoral reform in your state.
"In reality, there is no such thing as not voting: you either vote by voting, or you vote by staying home and tacitly doubling the value of some Diehard's vote." ~ David Foster Wallace
So you assume to know what others want? Because I’m right there with them. Non protest/non-voters absolutely helped to put us here. There is nothing at all wrong with pointing this out.
And I believe that anger’s best use now is ensuring that the fucking assholes that did this are called out and learn from it so that if god-forbid we happen to find ourselves here again, they’ll acutely get off their assed and fucking help.
It is a pretty amusing overlap in the people that will screech about victim blaming but can't seem to wrap their head around the concept that the people ultimately responsible for a crime are only the people doing it.
I work with two people that are within a year of retiring and they are absolutely ecstatic that Trump was doing this to Social Security, as well I work with people that are in their early 20s that are exactly the same happy that this is happening and thinking that they will all become super wealthy.
My redneck trailer cock American family has absolutely nothing saved for retirement, but they think that social security tax took all of their money and gave it to people who are cheating the system pretending to be disabled
It's weird how these people seemingly learned nothing from history. I remember hearing from baby boomers (as a Gen Xer) that they would not get to collect Social Security by the time they retired, since the Silent Generation/Greatest Generation were going to use it all up, that it wasn't funded, it was a pyramid scheme, etc...and they just want "their" money so they could gamble on the stock market with it instead. Naturally, I heard a lot of Gen X pick up and parrot a lot of this same bullshit narrative, with probably even MORE zeal since there were a whole lot more baby boomers than there were Gen X. Turns out Gen Y was quite large, but that didn't stop people from repeating this, even if it was pointed out that any kind of "problem" was easily fixed if you lifted the cap on SS.
Rinse, repeat....and it's the exact same shit. Now apparently fucking Gen Z is saying it too. You just know that eventually the anti-intellectual dipshits will get their way in making everything awful. It's a whole lot easier to break stuff than to build it...
like alot of sketchy companies, employers will just eliminate some of thier employees even more to give them selves more money, and just squeeze out the skeleton crew for alot tech, biotech, and health
It's weird to me how much some people have internalized the politics of austerity this quickly.
The economy was humming under Biden. There was no emergency, no indicator that we have to "tighten our belts".
Then Bronzo enters the office and fElon with his MOE (Ministry of Efficiency) and all they want to do is cut everything. Even in the MOE Cinematic Universe....how do they possibly justify any of this shit? They plan on cutting taxes at the same time, so it's not about balancing anything.
What's worse, is that I now seeing lots of people on the left saying that government is bloated and should be cut, but done with precision. WTAF?
Nah. I do that for people I actually think deserve respect.
Nobody is going to say “yeah I think the government should have busy work jobs”.
False dilemma. I'm not asking liberals to say that. I'm asking that people justify the claims that government is "bloated". I want them to define exactly what part is supposedly bloated or inefficient. I'm asking them to explain why austerity is suddenly needed when we just had a Goldilocks economy. To me it seems like they are just obeying in advance, but they just take issue with the implementation.