OneHundredNinetySix rules a 32x32 grid - Day 23
OneHundredNinetySix rules a 32x32 grid - Day 23

If you don't know know what is this, please see this post:
Shadow Glider
#8d078f at 24, 25
3 0 ReplyP4ulin_Kbana OP
I love yellow! Since I've read The Yellow Wallpaper!
2 0 Replygandalf_der_12te
uuuh i did not know about that short story when i chose the color!
2 0 Reply
LordAmplifier #9000FF at 19,31
The Yellow Wallpaper sounds like an interesting story. I'll read it when I get the chance :3
2 0 Replygandalf_der_12te
yellowat 11x9edit: no wait, let me change that color, to whatever the color at 12x12 is
1 0 ReplyP4ulin_Kbana OP
Nooo yellow's my 2nd favourite colour!! 😭
1 0 Reply
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