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What is your Favorite Kanto (Gen 1) Pokemon? What was your first pokemon game?

I think mine is either the abra line because they can teleport. But then there is the muscly machop line. And then there is Dragonite... Aurgh. Gen 1 in the 90's was my first game.

  • Gengar. Doesn’t get better than the chubby purple terror for me.

  • Pokemon Blue for me. Alakazam. Had to train up this no-attack Abra thing, then find someone else with this "pokemon" game and a link cable to trade your Kadabra with. Very rewarding experience.

    I remember teaching it all the elemental punches and feeling like a boss as I used super effective techniques all day long.

  • Vulpix. I love foxes and it's just so damn cute. I'm more of a water or ice kind of person, though, so it being a fire-type was always a little disappointing. Imagine my glee when the Alolan form showed up!

    Eevee is a very close second place, but there are honestly so many great designs in Gen 1: the eeveelutions, Bulbasaur, Farfetch'd, Sandshrew, Oddish, Staryu, Articuno, Arcanine...

    My first Pokemon game was actually Silver, though, as I didn't have any handheld systems before then.

  • If there's only one sign that I'm actually a greymuzzle, let it be the fact that I barely kept up with Pokémon beyond Gen 1, heh. Gen 1 is the only gen as far as I'm concerned!

    Lapras and Rapidash were my faves. I also rather like Cubone/Marowak.

    Pokémon Red on the Game Boy was my first game! Actually I played it on the Game Boy Pocket and then the Game Boy Color. I remember getting super excited about Pokémon Snap on the N64.

  • Dragonite!

    My favorite Gen 1 pokemon! Really great design, fun and just really cute! I'm also biased I like Dragons too.

    My first pokemon game was Crystal. I though lost that copy years ago.

  • There's a few pokemon I really like from Gen 1. Alakazam, Magmar, and Dragonite all come to mind for some really cool ones. Gengar and Electabuzz are up there too for me.

    My first game was Yellow, then Gold, Ruby, Diamond, and then I'd stopped playing until Violet. There's so many pokemon now that I can't consistently pick an all-time favorite, I think, they're all too cool to pick just one.

  • first game red edition at release on a the gameboy color, favorite poké from gen1 charmeleon