It is literally your job to prevent these concerns. Stop talking and do something. The old fucks who refuse to leave office have been collecting paychecks while sitting back and doing nothing, progressively giving away their power to the executive branch for the past ~20 years. Now they're concerned? Too little, too late. Either step up (but watch out for broken hips) or get out of the way.
This is the same excuse I've heard for 15 years, even while they had a majority. Meanwhile, Republicans seem able to get shit done even while in the minority. I'm tired of excuses. Do something useful or get the fuck out of government.
This is the same excuse I’ve heard every time I point out that dems don’t have enough votes to do something.
When I ask when dems had a majority they point to Manchin or Sinema or Lieberman as their example of a dem majority proving they are arguing in bad faith and/or don’t understand what a supermajority is.
Meanwhile republicans don’t even criticize their own for committing crimes so they continue to win elections.
You're justifying Dems being ineffectual. We don't want to hear it anymore. We're tired of watching Republicans play dirty to get what they want while Democrats sit on their hands and complain that governing is hard. Republicans fight despite the odds and that's why they win more than they should. Democrats could do the same but they choose not to. I don't want their excuses. I want them to fight even if they eventually lose the battle. Giving up before it starts is completely unacceptable.
Meanwhile republicans don’t even criticize their own for committing crimes so they continue to win elections.
I think that's a pretty bad takeaway. Republicans and other authoritarians oppose criticism of leadership, requiring obedience. That's not something to aim for, IMO.
Really? Then why are Republicans able to win elections despite all the criticism against them, or does it conveniently only work in the one direction that supports your argument? This is such a ridiculous take.
So you think we need to be more like the Republicans and fall in line to reject any and all criticism of our leaders, and that's the path to fighting fascism? Buddy, that is fascism.
These warped ideals are exactly why the Democratic party is in the position that it's in. Criticism isn't the issue, it's the shitty politicians pushing Republican ideals through the lens of liberalism and giving people reason to criticize. Sweeping that under the rug just to win an election isn't solving anything. It just leads to more Trump-like candidates holding office while people continue to suffer.
The criticism is what prevented Clinton and Harris from getting elected and not their own words, actions, and campaigns? Same with Biden, too, and his extremely narrow victory in 2020? These three individuals who couldn't manage to be more appealing than a failed businessman and reality TV star who'd been a laughing stock in this country for nearly 3 decades preceding his victory?
Your comment reads like propaganda, and your ideals mirror that of fascists like Putin. You want a dictatorship in this country where criticism is silenced and leaders do what they want, and it looks like you finally got it with Trump. It makes sense why you're so opposed to the DNC doing literally anything differently than their nearly thrice failed strategy of mimicking the right. You want them to keep losing.
We can take a look at what Republicans do without a majority: stall for time, attack the moral character of the opposition, find loopholes in the procedural process that you're technically not disallowed to do but annoy the shit out of everyone, and generally be as obstructionist as possible.
I wasn't referring to the article, I was referring to what Senate Democrats can do in the current situation. At bare minimum, that can do what they were elected for as the opposition party. We don't get even a noteworthy fraction of that, let alone extralegal measures.
I guess they're supposed to take over the Capitol with guns and body armor or else we will continue to removed and moan about the Democrats being the problem after we told everybody how apathetic we were about voting for them.