Remember, vandalism or arson against the property of the rich is just the working class recouping its stolen wages. Someone's going to have to fix Elon's broken windows, and the people who do that will have far, far less wealth than Mr. Musk. Some glazier is going to feed his family at the expense of Tesla's owners. In this day and age of plutocracy, property crime against the wealthy is an unambiguous force of social good.
Remember. The rich have assets. And those assets can burn.
This is also the mentality we should adopt in general. In the world we live in, having way way more than you need should be seen as extremely shameful. They should be afraid.
If you flush a popsicle stick down the toilet it won't go around the p trap and will eventually cause a backup and a plumber will have to come fix it. So think carefully where your popsicle sticks end up.
This analogy works both ways. I’m going to take it’s the capital class flushing the popsicle sticks down the toilet. Now, that toilet is going to cause a massive shit storm.
Recouping is probably the wrong word here, since no value is actually transferred to the working class from vandalism or arson. Restitution would be more accurate.
Remember. The rich have assets. And those assets can burn.
I don't want to live in a violent society, because it's usually a volatile, unpredictable one, and that's bad for me. I don't want to see rich people's assets burn.
I want to see them taxed. A rule-based, peaceful society benefits the rich immensely by protecting their assets, an extremely valuable service that they should pay for.
So, if anybody can think of a better way to remind them of their obligations to humanity, I'm listening.