Anyone remember that old Trump Argues Trump subreddit? It was full of Trump quotes arguing against other Trump quotes. Pretty sure the mods went inactive and/or it got brigaded into the ground by /TD. This is nothing new.
He legitimately might not remember. Someone asked him about calling Zelensky a dictator today and his response was "Did I say that? I can't believe I said that." And that was something he said just over a week ago.
I just don’t understand the look he’s been doing forever. WHY THE ORANGE? It looks idiotic. It obviously takes time and energy to do. It looks stupid as fuck. I do not get it. I do not understand how you can just look at a guy at that age and be like “this man is super intelligent.” He paints himself orange. Even if nothing else about the man bothered you, shouldn’t that be a red fucking flag that he shouldn’t be in charge of anything?!
I don't even think it was an accident. It's like anything he does, he blames "someone" else and he knows if he blames "past administration" his followers will believe it's a democrat even if he was the one that signed it.