You may be on to something. maybe there's a branigan's law about rapists and pedophiles in Florida. Once you hit a certain limit the state just stops accepting new ones.
Send tate to florida. Then get out a saw, and cut Florida away and into the Ocean. Then use ropes to connect Hawaii and Alaska to the mainland.
Now you can claim that only connected states can be states. Also, international no fly, no sail zone 300 miles around florida at any time. No one leaves.
Likely he will get some labor rights related stuff, then will help in gutting worker's protections in the name of "Hustle culture", after that he will take the blame for the fallout and land into some another position.
We are establishing a department of rape and scams, and these guys know all about it. Look at them now. With a tear in their eyes, the Tate brothers said Mr. Trump we'd be honored to head the department of rape and scams, and we'll be sending you some removed as soon as possible.
I mean... He seems exactly like the kind of person they would want to associate with. He must have spilled a lot of beans while in, or to get out of prison.
That's what makes his anti-Tate stance exceedingly cute, on so many levels. Not only does he lack the power or will or conviction of his words, but no-one one either side gives two shits what DeSantis has to say on this topic, or any other.
Well, their recruitment along with the Silk Road guy is all part of Trump's plans to start massive human trafficking and drug trafficking organizations. He needs their expertise in human trafficking so he forced Romania to let them come here.
The current node for human trafficking, to help cover where people are being sent, is Guantanamo (and Panama). That's Ron's old stomping grounds. And while I think he's cool with torture of "terrorists," he's not so into mass rape of women, egg farming, genocide to grave rob America. I think he also got freaked out by the Les Miserable song at the Governor's Ball (he cowered) and all the loud loud pushback he's experiencing from people calling in constantly to complain and also the protests.
Or maybe he's just mad they took the spot he wanted.
Desantis is clearly worried that Andrew Tate will push him out of the running for "biggest piece of shit in the United States"... These guys take that award very seriously
I have no idea who Andrew Tate is. So I looked him up on Wikipedia, and he seems like the kind of awful person who would be a darling of the MAGAsphere.
Could someone explain to me why DeSantis doesn't want him then?
Desantis has make a huge show of “stopping human traffickers” and there’s no way he can welcome them without being called out on hypocrisy. He can pass this off as a “White House thing” and try to keep his position.
So then why was he fine working and knowing Matt Gaetz committed statutory rape and paid for those women to cross state lines. He should have been actively campaigning for him not to be a Florida Congress member.
........ignorance truely is bliss. I wish I never heard of andrew tate. Oh man, the amount of appauling, cringe inducing things you get to hear from him for the first time???
You know how when you meet someone who's never seen your favorite movie that you've watched 800+ times, and you're jealous they get to see it for the first time?
Yeah, I feel the opposite of that today for you. Like I'm genuinely worried about your mental health if everyone starts sending you videos and quotes of his all at once. I imagine that may cause a mental breakdown.
Nice to know that piece of shit has a line in the sand somewhere. 'convicted rapists and human traffickers' is a horrible line to have to get to but at least it's there? Still though, fuck DeSantis.
Aside from that, I find it weird that the governor of a state has repeatedly spoken on behalf of the entire state illegitimately declaring what is and isn't welcomed in the state. In the past, he said something about Florida is where woke goes to die. It's a weird thing to do because the governor is the lead executive of a state government, not the cultural voice of the entire state. As far as I can tell, the state legislature decides who and what is welcomed in a state through laws. Aside from that, the population itself would be its own voice. Am I wrong? Does any other governor do that?
Disclaimer: I don't disagree with the Andrew Tate thing, but I find it weird that a governor is making these statements.
They're not Romanian, they're US-British. They just moved to Romania because they thought police are less likely to investigate sexual assault cases there.
I never figured out why Paris Hilton's sex tape was relevant at the time. Before the sex tape she wasn't a public figure, or a celebrity. She was just daughter to the Hilton hotels founder. So why would anyone treat THIS sex tape like the Pam Anderson/Tommy Lee sex tape? Pam and Tommy were both celebrities BEFORE the tape was leaked. But Paris? Nobody knew who she was.
Or the same thing with the Kardashians. Nobody knew them before the sex tape. I still don't know why people would care about them.
I guess what I'm asking here, is did tate ever have a sex tape leaked where some guy came all over his face while he was sucking it off? Apperently if you leak that sex tape, even talentless hacks can become celebrities.
Although......fair play to Paris. She's actually quite smart and doesn't deserve to be labeled in the same camp as tate.
He’s American? I’d assumed, as someone with zero interest in his details, he was Romanian and would simply stay locked in one of their prisons. Do we have to take him? What if we don’t want him either?
The Tate shitheads are dual UK-US citizens. They didn't go to the UK because they're already wanted there. It'll be fun now if the Brits try to extradite them from the US and the Trump administration interferes...