Yeah and reagan started the fall with deficits. Before that controlling the debt was a conservative thing. They have abandoned everything except tax cuts and deregulation.
Which is the part that I really don’t get; How fucking dumb do you have to be to think you will still be rich and powerful after the Dollar is worth nothing? Not to mention what’s going to happen to Judges and Congresspersons when they become useless to the administration.
That too! But there have been a lot of studies done and there’s a very strong correlation between lead in gasoline and the loss in critical thinking and the increase in aggression of affected groups, especially as they age.
Yeah I honestly think we should pass a law that says any campaign donation needs to have a name on it. I don’t care if 2000 people donate to a super pac and a company sticks it’s name on it, or if all 2000 people are identified, but anonymously giving people money is a no go for private citizens EVEN IF IT”S NOT TAXABLE