Scientists have finally given the all-clear to Earth from a newly discovered asteroid. NASA and the European Space Agency said Tuesday that after two months of observations, scientists have almost fully ruled out any threat.
Did you have something against the civilian populations in South America, central Africa, and India? What "good" would massive death and destruction in one of those regions do?
Those of you who had hoped for it to hit and cause mass casualties..please go fuck yourselves and leave me out of your doomer fantasies. Some of us still have a will to live.
It's quite ironic, IMO. A lot of Americans are lamenting the decline of their country but then fall into the same selfish "America is the whole world and is all that matters" mindset as the people who are causing the decline in the first place.
That still involves me. Again, leave me out of it. I didn't do anything to deserve that. They can take care of their issue with life themselves without involving others.