Are you trying to say that authoritarianism is a component of fascism, but fascism isn't the only type of authoritarianism? 'Cause that's not super clear from your wording.
That's not the definition of the term, by any ones analysis. The simplest, original definition is that fascism is state and corporate power combined. Like the US has been for half a century.
Intent is incredibly important. In all systems trade happens. The idea that capitalism=markets is incredibly stupid, equally stupid is the idea that all work is done under a corporation for the sole purpose of making someone else rich, as you have suggested here.
The problem is not that things are done for the sake of the state or not, but what purpose things are done for. In fascism the state is owned by corporate interests, the leading interest being whatever dictator sits at the top. Work is done solely to make those corporate owners privately rich, nothing more. Each system is built openly for class oppression.
Even in the most brain rotted American views the ussr is nothing like that. You'd have to be a fascist or brain damaged to even try to argue it.
the leading interest being whatever dictator sits at the top.
This is the part that matters. This is also true for Soviet communism or really any real life communism. The instruments are different, but the song is the same.
Nope, it truly isn't. A lot of very rich people that currently own the US have paid a ridiculous amount of money to convince you that's the case, but any dual citizen of China will tell you xi's not a dictator like Biden or Trump.
The same was true in the ussr. Or any communist party controlling a socialist state. Your ignorance doesn't change reality, neither does your gullibility.
Not really, you're the one that is just taking all 1.67 inches of capitalist dick while trying to redefine fascism away from Mussolini's definition so you can protect the status quo you have been sold as 'not perfect but the best we've come up with'.
Capitalism and liberalism have always lead to fascism. They are the only ideologies to ever develop into fascism. Socialism and communism, maybe even anarchism are the only future humanity has. Humanity can't coexist with capitalists long term.
And if you knew anything about socialism you'd support the cpc. Maybe not the ussr but we've learned from their failures.
China is a fully socialist state. If you think otherwise you either stopped paying attention to socialism in the mid 1800s, or you don't know enough about China.
I think when most people fantasize about socialism they are thinking of Nordic style and not authoritarian CCP style.
My litmus test is the ability to openly criticize your government. In an open and free society this is allowed.
Any authoritarian society, regardless of economic system, is not in the right track. In my opinion. Then again I only consume western media so maybe the CCP isn't that bad. Can you tell me what happened on June 4th, 1989?
I wanted to make a joke reply and list a bunch of other unrelated things that happened on that day... But of course I find nothing but that one thing...