It's bullshit for anyone to be sent shit like this. I only want to receive things I requested. I don't need to hear your bullshit; religious, political, nationalistic, or otherwise.
Saying that, Iran does want to destroy Israel completely.
Israel is also guilty of the same, as we all know.
My great uncle moved to Rhodesia in the 70s with his family. Northern Ireland in the 70s had some dangerous groups and people. Someone in the family was threatened (literally for being friends with and associating with some Catholics - different times, in a staunchly Protestant area) and they had to go.
The mainland UK wasn't far enough, so they chose Rhodesia as his son was offered a job in South Africa.
He worked for a charity (I don't know which one) and was a piano tuner and handyman. He could fix anything.
Some people went there through circumstance and seeing a better life.
He also supported the anti apartheid movement from day 1. And he was happy when Rhodesia became Zimbabwe. He wasn't a great fan of the English pillaging and ruining the world through history, despite where he had ended up.
About 15 years ago his bank accounts were emptied by the government (he had worked hard his whole life and had several hundred thousand pounds) and his house and land (nothing grand, small house on less than half an acre) were taken by Mugabe and his cronies.
He moved home, with nothing but the clothes on his back, and lives in the village where he grew up. Turned 93 last week.
Happy birthday, John!
(The chances of him reading this are statistically zero)
It isn't off base to say Hamas is antisemitic. Hamas is a terrorist organization that attacked and murder civilians.
Israel then responded by also killing civilians. I don't think anyone is in the right here. Fighting war crimes with war crimes is not productive. Maybe we shouldn't go around killing people.
It makes sense in the context of World war 2 and 9/11
Israel is closer to America than Hamas or Iran. Ultimately politics are not rational. People find facts to back there beliefs not the other way around.
EDIT: Wow, the previous poster totally changed their post that pretty much just outright repeated the traditional points of Zionist Propaganda on this as seen in most of the the Western Media (I should've kept a screenshot) into a response to my own post which just outright repeats traditional points of Zionist Propaganda (at least he's consistent) but without the slick framing.
(Interesting technique to avoid that others are notified of a response and come back to counter it).
My original benefit of the doubt (that maybe he's not a sock-puppet) seems to have been incorrect. My bad.
My original post below:
That shit starts by straight out quoting Zionist propaganda.
First the double standard:
Either they're both Terrorist organisations for "attacking and murdering civilians" or one is a Resistance Movement and the other a Nation State. Claiming that the murdering of civilians to terrify the rest into complying with one's political and economical goals is only Terrorism if some do it but not if others do it is absolutely taking a side and doing it quite extremely since "Terrorist" is a heavily loaded word.
The ever repeated Zionist propaganda that being against Israel is being against Jews hence it's antisemitism. Is Hamas anti-semite (I.e. against Jews for being Jews) or is it against an occupier oppressor nation that takes their land and murders their children and is controlled by a subset of Jews? So far all indications are that it's mainly the latter.
Also the double standard raises its face once again here as the Israelis aren't being said to be anti-Islamic, which is funny give that even the Israeli press is extremely racist nowadays - curious that the alleged Racism of one side just had to be mentioned but not of the other side.
Third point:
That Israel responded as if there had been nothing else before. This is pure Zionist framing of this stage of a long ongoing conflict between a colonialist occupier and the native resistance. Israel started this shit, way back when the Zionist colonialists started stealing the land of Palestinians and expelling them or murdering the (the first peak of it being the Nakba).
If Israel was given the exact same treatment as Hamas in that text, it would have been described as "the Terrorist anti-Islamic colonialist invader"
Now, I'd like to think you're just naively repeating the Zionist framing and propaganda that they so carefully spread in the West, in which case you might want to actually think about what you read before repeating it, as you're parroting outright propaganda.
I don't remember where I read that Israel used the Hannibal directive on october 7. Still, I don't think Hamas is that bad. They fight for they country that's being invaded. Everyone's pro ukraine, but not pro palestine, why's that?
Palestine is not Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist organization that's calling for the extermination of all Jews. Around 6,000 soldiers went into Israel and murder and tortured innocent people. Palestine is pretty innocent as far which isn't great for them as they are getting caught in the middle. Also Israel has reportedly killed some of its own people since they can't really tell who's part of Hamas. (They kill anything that could be a threat)
I think ultimately the conflict is way more complicated than many people are willing to admit. Hamas hates Jews so Israel can't really let down its guard. However, they probably shouldn't be gunning down anything that moves either. There really isn't a good solution but that's something that people really don't want to hear. It is much easier to align with one side.
It’s incredible to hear them bleating about Israel being wiped off the map while they are doing EXACTLY that to Gaza. I swear… Israel has become the very thing they thought they were created to resist.
This often happens. People do the thing they are afraid will be done to them. They convince themselves that others will do it if they don’t, that it’s just the unfortunate rules of the game. And the next thing you know they have transformed from defender to aggressor. And so it continues.
Absolutely zero chance this person recognizes Trump blew up the nuclear deal with Iran, simply because it was signed under Obama. Some of us are cursed with remembering the past.
Maps are a social construct. Let's cross Israel off the map and write Palestine there instead. A Palestine where Jews, Muslims, Arabs, and people of every race and religion can live together in peace as equals.
Yep, the only "claim" people should have to land is to that where they already live, everything else is a lot more complicated. I have no problem with Jews living in Palestine, I do have a problem with genocidal Zionists claiming someone's home, using terrorist attacks as a pretense for pushing that claim and doing far worse to a group primarily composed of people who were just living there. Sometimes I wonder what things would be like if my ancestors hadn't spent hundreds of years drawing maps for everyone.
I assume the highlighted region is meant to call out the fact that they’re claiming a metaphorical expression isn’t being used metaphorically.
Yes, that’s incredibly stupid, and yes the entire letter is pro-hate propaganda.
However, I think it’s important to also call out something else about the phrase “wiped of the map”…
It’s an English language idiomatic expression.
Idiomatic expressions are language specific.
When you see a quote attributed to someone speaking Farsi, and it includes English idiomatic expressions, you can be fairly certain the translation is complete bullshit, and whoever created the translation is trying to manipulate you.
But "wiping something off the map" already is a metaphor.
If you literally "wipe something off a map" it would mean that you walk up to a map, take out a piece of cloth or similar wiping implement, and wipe the map until whatever you want to "wipe off" is no longer recognizable.
Which I guess is bad in terms that you've just damaged a piece of navigational equipment, not nothing really happened aside from that
I honestly wonder what the Christian circle would do if Israel gets wiped out and there is no rapture, Armageddon, or tribulation.
Would they finally admit they're wrong then, or will it have morphed by then?
This is the kind of thing I would look up if I could just open the book of time and look at the pages past this. Fuuuuuck the lottery numbers, I wanna watch some post and future events, or different timelines.
That's honestly what I wish afterlife was
We die and wake up, but can travel through time at will, then that version of us dies and becomes 5th dimensional, etc.
I didn't actually believe this of course, but I wish it was true.