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What are the most mindblowing things in mathematics?

What concepts or facts do you know from math that is mind blowing, awesome, or simply fascinating?

Here are some I would like to share:

  • Gödel's incompleteness theorems: There are some problems in math so difficult that it can never be solved no matter how much time you put into it.
  • Halting problem: It is impossible to write a program that can figure out whether or not any input program loops forever or finishes running. (Undecidablity)

The Busy Beaver function

Now this is the mind blowing one. What is the largest non-infinite number you know? Graham's Number? TREE(3)? TREE(TREE(3))? This one will beat it easily.

  • The Busy Beaver function produces the fastest growing number that is theoretically possible. These numbers are so large we don't even know if you can compute the function to get the value even with an infinitely powerful PC.
  • In fact, just the mere act of being able to compute the value would mean solving the hardest problems in mathematics.
  • Σ(1) = 1
  • Σ(4) = 13
  • Σ(6) > 101010101010101010101010101010 (10s are stacked on each other)
  • Σ(17) > Graham's Number
  • Σ(27) If you can compute this function the Goldbach conjecture is false.
  • Σ(744) If you can compute this function the Riemann hypothesis is false.


  • e^(pi i) = -1

    like, what?

    • 3Blue 1Brown actually explains that one in a way that makes it seem less coincidental and black magic. Totally worth a watch

    • If you think of complex numbers in their polar form, everything is much simpler. If you know basic calculus, it can be intuitive.

      Instead of z = + iy, write z = (r, t) where r is the distance from the origin and t is the angle from the positive x-axis. Now addition is trickier to write, but multiplication is simple: (a,b) (c,d) = (ab, b + d). That is, the lengths multiply and the angles add. Multiplication by a number (1, t) simply adds t to the angle. That is, multiplying a point by (1, t) is the same as rotating it counterclockwise about the origin by an angle t.

      The function f(t) = (1, t) then parameterizes a circular motion with a constant radial velocity t. The tangential velocity of a circular motion is perpendicular to the current position, and so the derivative of our function is a constant 90 degree multiple of itself. In radians, that means f'(t) = (1, pi/2)f(t). And now we have one of the simplest differential equations whose solution can only be f(t) = k e(t\* (1, pi/2)) = ke(it) for some k. Given f(0) = 1, we have k = 1.

      All that said, we now know that f(t) = e(it) is a circular motion passing through f(0) = 1 with a rate of 1 radian per unit time, and e(i pi) is halfway through a full rotation, which is -1.

      If you don't know calculus, then consider the relationship between exponentiation and multiplication. We learn that when you take an interest rate of a fixed annual percent r and compound it n times a year, as you compound more and more frequently (i.e. as n gets larger and larger), the formula turns from multiplication (P(1+r/n)(nt)) to exponentiation (Pe(rt)). Thus, exponentiation is like a continuous series of tiny multiplications. Since, geometrically speaking, multiplying by a complex number (z, z(2), z(3), ...) causes us to rotate by a fixed amount each time, then complex exponentiation by a continuous real variable (zt for t in [0,1]) causes us to rotate *continuously* over time. Now the precise nature of the numbers e and pi here might not be apparent, but that is the intuition behind why I say e(it) draws a circular motion, and hopefully it's believable that e^(i pi) = -1.

      All explanations will tend to have an algebraic component (the exponential and the number e arise from an algebraic relationship in a fundamental geometric equation) and a geometric component (the number pi and its relationship to circles). The previous explanations are somewhat more geometric in nature. Here is a more algebraic one.

      The real-valued function e(x) arises naturally in many contexts. It's natural to wonder if it can be extended to the complex plane, and how. To tackle this, we can fall back on a tool we often use to calculate values of smooth functions, which is the Taylor series. Knowing that the derivative of e(x) is itself immediately tells us that e(x) = 1 + x + x(2)/2! + x^(3)/3! + ..., and now can simply plug in a complex value for x and see what happens (although we don't yet know if the result is even well-defined.)

      Let x = iy be a purely imaginary number, where y is a real number. Then substitution gives ex = e(iy) = 1 + iy + i(2)y(2)/2! + i(3)y(3)/3! + ..., and of course since i^(2) = -1, this can be simplified:

      e(iy) = 1 + iy - y(2)/2! - iy(3)/3! + y(4)/4! + iy(5)/5! - y(6)/6! + ...

      So we're alternating between real/imaginary and positive/negative. Let's factor it into a real and imaginary component: e^(iy) = a + bi, where

      a = 1 - y(2)/2! + y(4)/4! - y^(6)/6! + ...

      b = y - y(3)/3! + y(5)/5! - y^(7)/7! + ...

      And here's the kicker: from our prolific experience with calculus of the real numbers, we instantly recognize these as the Taylor series a = cos(y) and b = sin(y), and thus conclude that if anything, e(iy) = a + bi = cos(y) + i sin(y). Finally, we have e(i pi) = cos(pi) + i sin(pi) = -1.

  • e^(I*pi) = -1

    • My favorite form, just slightly different,


      Euler's identity directly relates all the really cool mathematical constants into one elegant formula: e, i, π, 1, and 0

  • Borsuk-Ulam is a great one! In essense it says that flattening a sphere into a disk will always make two antipodal points meet. This holds in arbitrary dimensions and leads to statements such as "there are two points along the equator on opposite sides of the earth with the same temperature". Similarly one knows that there are two points on the opposite sides (antipodal) of the earth that both have the same temperature and pressure.

    • Also honorable mentions to the hairy ball theorem for giving us the much needed information that there is always a point on the earth where the wind is not blowing.

      • Seeing I was a bit heavy on the meteorological applications, as a corollary of Borsuk-Ulam there is also the ham sandwich theorem for the aspiring hobby chefs.

  • This is a common one, but the cardinality of infinite sets. Some infinities are larger than others.

    The natural numbers are countably infinite, and any set that has a one-to-one mapping to the natural numbers is also countably infinite. So that means the set of all even natural numbers is the same size as the natural numbers, because we can map 0 0, 1 2, 2 4, 3 6, etc.

    But that suggests we can also map a set that seems larger than the natural numbers to the natural numbers, such as the integers: 0 → 0, 1 → 1, 2 → –1, 3 → 2, 4 → –2, etc. In fact, we can even map pairs of integers to natural numbers, and because rational numbers can be represented in terms of pairs of numbers, their cardinality is that of the natural numbers. Even though the cardinality of the rationals is identical to that of the integers, the rationals are still dense, which means that between any two rational numbers we can find another one. The integers do not have this property.

    But if we try to do this with real numbers, even a limited subset such as the real numbers between 0 and 1, it is impossible to perform this mapping. If you attempted to enumerate all of the real numbers between 0 and 1 as infinitely long decimals, you could always construct a number that was not present in the original enumeration by going through each element in order and appending a digit that did not match a decimal digit in the referenced element. This is Cantor's diagonal argument, which implies that the cardinality of the real numbers is strictly greater than that of the rationals.

    The best part of this is that it is possible to construct a set that has the same cardinality as the real numbers but is not dense, such as the Cantor set.

    • The best part of this is that it is possible to construct a set that has the same cardinality as the real numbers but is not dense, such as the Cantor set.

      Well that's not as hard as it sounds, [0,1] isn't dense in the reals either. It is however dense with respect to itself, in the sense that the closure of [0,1] in the reals is [0,1]. The Cantor set has the special property of being nowhere dense, which is to say that it contains no intervals (taking for granted that it is closed). It's like a bunch of disjointed, sparse dots that has no length or substance, yet there are uncountably many points.

  • A simple one: Let's say you want to sum the numbers from 1 to 100. You could make the sum normally (1+2+3...) or you can rearrange the numbers in pairs: 1+100, 2+99, 3+98.... until 50+51 (50 pairs). So you will have 50 pairs and all of them sum 101 - 10150= 5050. There's a story who says that this method was discovered by Gauss when he was still a child in elementary school and their teacher asked their students to sum the numbers.

  • I find the logistic map to be fascinating. The logistic map is a simple mathematical equation that surprisingly appears everywhere in nature and social systems. It is a great representation of how complex behavior can emerge from a straightforward rule. Imagine a population of creatures with limited resources that reproduce and compete for those resources. The logistic map describes how the population size changes over time as a function of its current size, and it reveals fascinating patterns. When the population is small, it grows rapidly due to ample resources. However, as it approaches a critical point, the growth slows, and competition intensifies, leading to an eventual stable population. This concept echoes in various real-world scenarios, from describing the spread of epidemics to predicting traffic jams and even modeling economic behaviors. It's used by computers to generate random numbers, because a computer can't actually generate truly random numbers. Veritasium did a good video on it:

    I find it fascinating how it permeates nature in so many places. It's a universal constant, but one we can't easily observe.

  • To me, personally, it has to be bezier curves. They're not one of those things that only real mathematicians can understand, and that's exactly why I'm fascinated by them. You don't need to understand the equations happening to make use of them, since they make a lot of sense visually. The cherry on top is their real world usefulness in computer graphics.

  • As someone who took maths in university for two years, this has successfully given me PTSD, well done Lemmy.

  • Incompleteness is great.. internal consistency is incompatible with universality.. goes hand in hand with Relativity.. they both are trying to lift us toward higher dimensional understanding..

  • Saving this thread! I love math, even if I'm not great at it.

    Something I learned recently is that there are as many real numbers between 0 and 1 as there are between 0 and 2, because you can always match a number from between 0 and 1 with a number between 0 and 2. Someone please correct me if I mixed this up somehow.

    • You are correct. This notion of “size” of sets is called “cardinality”. For two sets to have the same “size” is to have the same cardinality.

      The set of natural numbers (whole, counting numbers, starting from either 0 or 1, depending on which field you’re in) and the integers have the same cardinality. They also have the same cardinality as the rational numbers, numbers that can be written as a fraction of integers. However, none of these have the same cardinality as the reals, and the way to prove that is through Cantor’s well-known Diagonal Argument.

      Another interesting thing that makes integers and rationals different, despite them having the same cardinality, is that the rationals are “dense” in the reals. What “rationals are dense in the reals” means is that if you take any two real numbers, you can always find a rational number between them. This is, however, not true for integers. Pretty fascinating, since this shows that the intuitive notion of “relative size” actually captures the idea of, in this case, distance, aka a metric. Cardinality is thus defined to remove that notion.

      • Fantastic explanation. Thank you!

        Edit: I guess I should have said rational numbers vs real. I just looked up the difference.

  • An arithmetic miracle:

    Let's define a sequence. We will start with 1 and 1.

    To get the next number, square the last, add 1, and divide by the second to last. a(n+1) = ( a(n)^2 +1 )/ a(n-1) So the fourth number is (2*2+1)/1 =5, while the next is (25+1)/2 = 13. The sequence is thus:

    1, 1, 2, 5, 13, 34, ...

    If you keep computing (the numbers get large) you'll see that every time we get an integer. But every step involves a division! Usually dividing things gives fractions.

    This last is called the somos sequence, and it shows up in fairly deep algebra.