This mostly seems pretty achievable in my eyes. Meat consumption is apparently trending down anyway, even without government intervention. The difficult part may be turning farmland into woodland, because how do you get farmers to convert their source of income into land for trees?
This is something that irks me about how we have things setup at the moment. Farming produces food. Put money in, get food out. The notion that it also needs to make money is putting the cart before the horse. Yay capitalism.
Orchards are very different from woodland. Trees need to be evenly planted and have much more space than woods. Probably better than nothing but it's not the kind of CO2-sink woodland the CCC is talking about.
Nor am I. But Do know pre Brexit the EU was funding actual wood land. That is a huge part of the issues farmers have now.
The huge farm subsidies the EU provided were still not replaced or agreed to long after Brexit. I'm not sure if they ever were at all. But farmers were forced to change growing habits with no idea what the gov was going to support.
It was a huge part of way £350m a week was an outright lie. Not only were we not actually sending that much due to discounts. We got a huge chunk back via farm subs, and others.
to convert their source of income into land for trees?
The correct trees are income. Less than other sources. But I spose that is where gov needs to step in. But well managed wood cultivation is both CO2 absorbing and would reduce the huge transport harm imported wood causes.
Also, wood is getting insanely costly in the UK due to import costs. It may help other industries.
Also wood absorbs more Co2 in early growth so 10-50 year (depending on wood type). Replant and Investments plans in such land can be very effective.
We're not destroying the planet, we're destroying our offspring (and those of many other species). The planet will still be covered in life after we're gone.
Save the planet is not only false. But less impactful than just save humankind.
Trying to convert humanity back to low meat diets (again a much easier sell and the real issue is mass production). It is more likely if people are convinced it is their children to great grand children that will Suffer/Die/never happen. Rather than suggesting all life will end.
The sun god will still burn. Just like you did after the last great extinction.
Sorry could not resist the silly joke. I'll go hide in a bottle now
A high carbohydrate and so high insulin-producing plant-based diet certainly isn't healthy for me. The evidence that it is extremely problematic for many if not most people is compelling.
With the best will in the world, the plain and simple fact is that there are too many people [both on the planet, if the intention is for everyone to live the ultra-high-energy/consumption 'developed world' lifestyle, and] in the UK in particular, when accepting the reality of 21st century society.
You literally said the problem was with insulin producing spikes from carbs, and therefore you can't eat a plant based diet. I just showed you evidence that you can indeed eat a plant based diet, carbs or not, and maintain healthy blood sugar levels. And can even reverse diabetes.
It was obvious from the beginning you were being totally disingenuous. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but the fact that you'll block over such an inoffensive message confirms my initial suspicion about you. You just don't want to eat a plant based diet and will find any reason not to. You had zero interest in learning and are just here to argue.