His old electrician is correct. Paper towel wrapped around the wound, wrap it with one layer of duct tape or gaffers tape and you're good to keep working. This is one of those 'everybody who's ever worked a trade knows it' type things.
There is medical grade super glue, and I highly recommend using it over the standard stuff, primarily because the chemicals in regular superglue isn't great for your cut.
I think you have to be very careful with that. My dog got a bad laceration one time, and luckily we were able to provide pressure and bring them straight to the vet which was close by, and while I was there I mentioned that I had thought about using super glue to close it, and they were mortified. Mortified. They said it would have made him extremely sick.
Apparently the glue they used to close wounds, which acts like super glue is very different than actual super glue.
For anyone else coming along, hydrocolloid bandages once you have a moment to treat it.
Sliced my finger open, brand new razor blade, like a yawning mouth. Staunched the bleeding, wrapped a hydrocolloid bandage around it, bloody and dirty and all, good to go. Let it set for 2 days until the pain calmed down enough to re-wrap, showered, another hydrocolloid bandage. No antibiotics, nothing. 4-days, brand new skin, finger bends, no scar. And I'm 54, not exactly Wolverine.
I could sell those things all day long, best first-aid tech I've discovered. Nothing will heal a wound faster.
Yes, they cost way more than a regular bandaid, but you only need one, and you're healed fast. Generic is fine, but as usual, BandAid™ brand works best, better glue and easier to apply. I mostly keep the cheap shit, some BandAid™ for the 'special' wounds.
Superglue for paper-cut wounds! Yes, it stings for 20-seconds, grow a fucking pair, then it's over and healed in 24-hours.
I don't usually watch late night American shows but can never skip this dudes rant clips. I wonder if he thinks of having a stab at politics or maybe his mission is just better serves as a show host.
The one time he got directly involved in politics, he berated Congress into covering medical expenses for 9/11 first responders. I doubt he wants to serve as an actual politician though.
I actually have this shirt. I think he would be really good for US politics, but I can respect that he also doesn't want to be involved (outside of his 9/11 activism, of course).
Wish he had just kept going and bled out on the desk to drive the point harder. Figured there were "rules" against showing blood on the broadcast. Heaven for fuckin' fend we see blood when raging against our fucked health care system. One CEO wasn't enough.