The problem is we don't have a very good method to review our old patterns and make sure that they still hold up in the current meta.
This is how you get old fucks like the political leaders of the United States reacting to emails as if they were gigantic scandals when reality has moved far beyond that.
Neurotypically, yes. Think this is more an autistic joke. We have a tendency to see things happen before most people do. It gets fun when you know someone isn't a safe person within 5 min of meeting them, but it takes everyone else a good year or so to realise. Issue is that you sound like an arsehole until the issues are manifested in a non subtle manner.
How that ties into pattern recognition is that to survive possible dangers in social interactions, you begin to pick up subtle cues as abusers follow a pattern.
Most of the "reading people" done by neurodivergent people (especially former abuse victims) is simply developing the ability to diagnose people with the same disordered traits as their abuser. For example, if your abuser suffered from anger issues, it's quickly identifying when a stranger struggles with anger.
However, discriminating against people based on mental disorders is wrong.
You know when a dog was abused by a woman, and then it barks at all women? Yeah, it's that. Just more specific.