At the end of the campaign I have written the BBEG (just a guy tbh) is meant to fall off a cliff into a vat of “godly essence” and magical artifacts. The next campaign opens on him crawling out of the pit as a a lich powered by these artifacts looking for vengeance.
I’m so excited for it! The entire campaign one is about the party finding the artifacts in order to stabilize (or destroy) a forged god (made by the BBEG) using the captured essences of the previous pantheon. It’s going to be such a twist when this dude comes back from the dead now imbued with the remnants of this unstable godly concoction to fight the [children, descendants, unrelated new characters] in the next campaign.
Are you planning on immediately revealing this? It could be a lot of fun if you start by dropping hints (e.g. vague visions in their dreams), and have the group come to the conclusion on their own.
how are you gonna get the vat of godly essence out of the party's inventory after they tear down every inch of the dungeon and design a crane system to recover it
Each of the artifacts fits into a puzzle for a machine that turns normal people into “gods”. My end game is have them use those items to reverse the process on the created god in the first place making them human again. This drains the essence into the machine and i’m hoping enough damage is taken on the machine thatbit explodes during final combat or is pushed off the cliff or something. I’m happy to yadda yadda to get to the cut scene lol!
The villain who has plagued your party with terrifying nightmares for months and is now lying on the ground, mere moments from his inevitable demise, sits up and in a faint voice sings:
Remember me
Though I have to say goodbye
Remember me
With a last broad, wicked grin, he slumps onto the ground, no sign of life left in his body but the grin remains in place.