Health experts say an unknown illness first discovered in three children who ate a bat has rapidly killed more than 50 people in northwestern Congo over the past five weeks.
The interval between the onset of symptoms and death has been 48 hours in the majority of cases, and “that’s what’s really worrying,” Serge Ngalebato, medical director of Bikoro Hospital, a regional monitoring center, told The Associated Press.
The latest disease outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo began on Jan. 21, and 419 cases have been recorded including 53 deaths.
According to the WHO’s Africa office, the first outbreak in the town of Boloko began after three children ate a bat and died within 48 hours following hemorrhagic fever symptoms.
I apologize in advance for my ignorance. But why do people like to eat bats? Are they particularly nutritious? Or is it a matter of access to foods and resources? Are they really yummy? And why didn’t Ozzy contract any weird deadly disease?
Yet thousands of people get salmonella every year from under cooked chicken and some die of it. Eating bat is the same, cook it correctly and it's safe.
I'm struggling to think of a single component of a hot dog or sausage that isn't "normal" to eat everywhere in the world except for reasons of religion and even then it depends on what meat was used to make it.
You're absolutely correct, in fact most food is usually variations on a theme e.g. meat in bread like sandwiches, burgers, burritos, tacos, dumplings... but this isn't a popular opinion unfortunately.
Do they? Most everywhere people eat basically the same shit. Preparation methods vary and there's substitutions historically based on available resources but globalisation has practically obliterated all that.
I'm not a westoid BTW I've traveled a decent amount.
man what part of america are you in lol. I've never seen either of those as an everyday occurrence, though you will find them if you go to a southern fried chicken joint.
Of course. Do you eat bats too? FWIW, when I was in federal service overseeing biotechnolgical modifications of animals, I and my reports were discussing some permit requests that came to us in conjunction with our duties. One of the permits requests included an animal that was unknown to us at the time. When the critter was mentioned, I and one of my reports (both of us are of an ethnicity stereotypically known to have wide-ranging culinary tastes) turned to each other and wondered aloud, "I wonder if they are good to eat?".
Yes I do, I always wonder how it came to be, and if it's unusual I wonder about why it remains to this day.
Do you not even realise how actually painfully racist it is to imply that their culture is eating known extreme risk factors for horrible diseases? It's like saying having AIDS is queer "culture". It's so fucking patronising.
Guy above gave an actual response. My original comment was just wondering if something happened like extremely bad famine or war that would cause people to take such a risk.
You realize that you're the one acting like their culture is weird because they don't act like you do? The only person coming off as racist here is you buddy!
You're the one implying that their culture is eating known high-risk disease vectors, you are the racist here bub, same as those rightoid loons who think Asians don't use antibiotics and only "traditional medicine" and again, same as thinking that AIDS is "gay culture".
You are so fucking out of touch you literally do not know what racism is.
Are you an idiot? If cows had a high risk of novel zoonotic pandemic diseases coming out of them after a worldwide pandemic then of course I wouldn't eat them you fucking imbecile, and stop implying that these people are too removed to understand this just because of their skin colour.
The only person implying anything negative about people eating bat here is you. Maybe you should go back and reread this whole conversation, it might make your realize how bad you look.