Was just going to say that this really depends on you and your friends. Got one friend group that is all about cuddling drunk, giving shoulder massages and complimenting each other. Got another that is more about board games and being sure feet don't touch accidentally under the table. All friends are valid <3
I had one friend kinda like that. I felt really weirded out by it at first.
Haven't interacted with him in years (he was married to another close friend of mine, they got divorced and I haven't heard a peep from either of them in years sadge), but now the few friends I have that knew him as well still kinda make comments like him in his memory.
Here's an interesting one: kissing a gay guy on the cheek, or letting him kiss you on the cheek is neutral, as long as the guy is out of the closet. Hugging and/or kissing a straight guy is gay.
Pro tip: if all your friends are online and you never show them what you look like, they can never compliment you nor not compliment you. Its a win win!
It tends to get better with younger generations. I've gotten a lot of good and bad feedback about some changes I made during the last months but pretty much exclusively from friends and co-workers under 40.
Was never weird though. Just smile and say something like "Right? I'm trying that out. Thank you :)"
I started wearing women's glasses and I cannot go outside without people complementing them. I go out with my gorgeous sexy partner, and people still complement my freaking glasses. They're translucent pink cat eye frames.