Donald Trump and Elon Musk are making unproven claims about millions of dead people still receiving Social Security payments, using these allegations as a reason to cut what they call “waste” and “…
The latest round of "expected, but not this fast." This is the end of the government as we know it, and I don't feel fine.
The really fun part is going to be the GOP losing the entire senior base in 2026. That's what's been propping you fuckers up. You caught the car. So you're going to take it to a chop shop?
With how things have been going lately I'm fully expecting to see political opposition being jailed or worse by 2026 if we can't stop this madness before then.
Not to mention the amount of election shenanigans that are going to happen with trump's admin all up in the FEC's business.
Don't worry, they're not gonna touch the boomers benefits, just everyone else's. I know this, because the political genius we all know as "Aunt Linda" told me so.
When pressed for a source, Aunt Linda will loftily declare "he wouldn't hurt his base."
So, fuck off with this weak ass propaganda. Aunt Linda has spoken.
It is astounding -- simply astounding -- that a guy who flies around airing grievances like he's trying to get all the timezones for Festivus yet somehow running 90 minutes each time ... was elected.
He didn't care about you last time; this time, he cares more about Panama, Greenland and the Gaza Strip (I'm not listing Canada here, because that's simply not going to happen, eh?) than you. Holy fuck, are these people fools. We saw the first tax package. Cool. Standard deduction went up.
We're seriously thinking this dude will financially save the working class with what I presume will be another marginal increase in the standard deduction while drastically lowering rates for people an order of magnitude out of my bracket? And tariffs?
Terrified for all the people this will affect but on the bright side..... I'm looking forward to telling my Trumper parents I told you so when they ask for money because of this lol.
Oh ok, so you want to lose the fucking mid terms, got it, because like… no amount of voter manipulation or dis info will help you when you fuck with the boomers health care and money.