Trump Paralyzes the U.S. Wind Power Industry | The president, who despises wind turbines, has paused federal permits and leasing for such projects, putting company plans in limbo
So many decisions that are bad for the USA, bad for its people, bad for its businesses, bad for its global standing and bad for the planet. And the only answer to "why?" is some childish quest by bitter men to hurt people they don't like.
In representative democracies, every 4-5 years a government can be elected that changes policies to a totally different direction. This is a feature of the system, not a bug - so no surprise there. When the system is rotten from within, even fascists can get elected.
For me, this is one more proof that reforms don't work and systemic change is needed. As long as we (the people), don't take the decision making power in our hands, this is what we'll keep getting.
It's crazy that in the age of information we still allow our democracies to be representative. Representation still made some sense 4 decades ago, it makes no sense today.
I'm old enough to remember when people had optimism that people, would, for the most part, become kinder, more intelligent if only they had access to knowledge and education. It turns out people are violent, self destructive, genocidal, but mostly selfish shitheads. I can't help but feel we have the president we deserve.
Afaik, my supplier is one that isn't used by many in my area. Hopefully it stays that way. I live in a very red area and most people are against green energy.