Funny time to do it, once he's lost the war, had Ukrainians kidnapped straight onto the frontlines, and once negotiations are taking place without him (which might end with him in front of a jury). Not to mention member states have already taken it off the table which means "I'm not going at all". Might as well have said his only demand is to marry the tooth fairy.
But sure, y'all just keep fetishizing yet another western puppet who called off elections but did it "for the right reasons."
"Valid" as in feasible? No. The war was started to keep Ukraine out of NATO, and Ukraine wasn't fully backed by NATO in the war because it isn't willing to go to war with Russia just for Ukraine.
The whole war was started because the Russians consider Ukraine in nato to be their red line, and the war was lost by Ukraine because the NATO leadership never seriously considered putting Ukraine in NATO if that meant direct war with Russia.
So no, it isn't a realistic goal at all. The war ends only when either
The Ukrainian state collapses
A deal is made in which Ukraine does not join NATO
Ukraine pushes back Russian forces so much that they collapse the Russian government.
I'm not an expert, but have read a decent amount on this. Others may have more and better info.
With that said, even if an Article 5 invocation won't bring the US into your fight, it provides a hefty infrastructure of value to countries in it. From basing, to logistics, to intelligence, to aid, it is valuable. Now the politics of it are complicated and the US can hinder some of that value, but it still means that in Europe if Russia provides an Article 5 reason, other countries in NATO can choose to help in various forms. That's not nothing. It's also faster and less arduous then negotiating individual defense treaties with neighbors and others.
So yes, overall probably still worth it. Even if just as an entree into other alliances.
it would only be valid goal if the eastern part of ukraine that borders Russia becomes a neutral or russia-controlled buffer zone, which is pretty much what is going to happen. the western part of ukraine can do whatever they want at that point basically.
it is not a valid goal as it currently stands since the entire reason russia went to war in the first place was to prevent this and well they're winning the war.
I'm confused by anyone who demands Ukraine to cede territory and denies they can ever join NATO. Have fun seeing Crimean/Ukrainian/etc. conflicts repeat every few years while Russia keeps learning the lesson that imperialism is back in style. Are these people literal children, or Russian bots?
Ukraine agreed to give up their nukes as part of the Budapest Memorandum which Russia shat on, and the United States showed how little their security assurances were worth. The sad reality now is Ukraine could be admitted to NATO tomorrow and it would not matter one bit, because our current president believes himself a king who cannot be forced to abide any previous treaty, law, or norm of human decency.
So Ukraine wasn't building up an army to recover Crimea and fight against anti-n.a.t.o. separatism in its south-east ? Zelensky was elected as an alternative to anti-russians(, without the vote of south-eastern ukrainians under an economic blocus among other things), and did the opposite.
It's just like saying that Russia will invade the rest of Europe or other lies(, probably the russian interferences as well since Russiagate was debunked and we have a strong history of lying, Georgia was the aggressor during the Beijing olympics), we just can't tell the truth and our population is even ignoring the talking points of the opponent. The non-westerners know our point of view, never difficult to understand, we're the ones systematically ignoring theirs, and lying with biases visible even to those agreeing with us.
Netanyahu is also a liar but that's what we(sterners) do, the end justifies the means our leaders/representatives don't speak from/with their heart, there's an assumed propaganda of talking points, e.g. unprovoked for Russia or terrorists for Palestine, what are palestinians supposed to do to stop the ongoing colonization and live peacefully together ? What is Russia supposed to do if it's rejected by the west because of their desire to be independent and in favor of multipolarity, supporting the declared enemies of the "policemen of the world" ? Iran wouldn't be considered authoritarian if it was zionist.
What matters here is that there are solutions for each problem, we have a strong tendency to consider our opponents crazy/incomprehensible, without explaining/justifying in order to seek a national unity.
Now we're censoring people for their opinions even more than before, it comes from the state and not platforms, with jail time and fees, but since we're not killing people for posting unapproved opinions it could be worse. JD Vance was right to criticize the censorship wave of these last years in Europe(, and the US as well in a lesser measure), liberty is our only answer for a lack of egality 🤷(, in some forms, « poverty is slavery » though)