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Engineers Without Borders - Urkupiña, Bolivia

I'm going to break rule 3, but it's MY sublemmy and I'LL post what I WANT to.

Anyway, over the last year since going back to school, I've become involved with a group called Engineers Without Borders. What we do is partner with communities in developing countries to work on projects that will increase their quality of life. Right now, we're working on a water distribution system in Urkupiña, Bolivia. Currently, they have to truck water in during the dry season, which is expensive, inadequate, and unsustainable. We plan to help them with that.

We're students, which means we need donations to see the project through to completion. We're going to run a crowdfunding campaign to help cover the costs, but the university requires us to collect a certain amount of pledges before the campaign runs (bureaucracy!). This form is a pledge (or promise) to donate the given amount once the campaign has begun. People who have pledged will get an email reminder once the campaign is up and running.

Mutual aid is important in these times, and the work of groups like Engineers Without Borders is crucial both now and going into the future. Urkupiña is a community that has been affected by climate change already and will continue to be affected as time goes on. If you have the means, I would appreciate it if you would consider pledging. It would mean a lot to me and the people of Urkupiña. I would also appreciate it if you would share this around to help get the word out about our campaign. You can pledge at the following link:

Pledge here:

(Put down "Logan" as the student contact. I don't actually care about credit, but I don't think it will let you pledge without one. Bureaucracy!)