Iâm sure youâre joking, at least at some level. But if youâre like me, you probably also believe it at some level.
It turns out this is, in some ways, a good mindset. Always keep in mind that your partner deserves better, and youâre driven to be better for them. Not because you arenât enough, but because you can be your best when you learn to navigate the give-and-take that long-term relationships require. Youâll fuck up, but if youâre willing to be kind, empathetic, and most importantly apologetic, and willing to get up and try again when you fall, youâre already far ahead of plenty of people.
But if you start thinking you deserve better than your partner, youâre gonna have a bad time.
Weâre all insecure at our core, but that means so is everyone else. The right person for you also thinks you deserve better. Build them up, and theyâll build you up in return.
Imma be real guys, it can happen. My girlfriend, whos currently sleeping next to me, finally got frustrated enough with me not making a move to knock on my door one night and tell me her feelings. Been almost a year now. So like, it's not impossible.
Yes but you've missed out the important part where you explain how you met her in the first place.
I really don't want to start going back into the office but this working from home thing really does isolate you and even if I did go back into the office if they're working from home it doesn't help anyway.
I tried the library, but unfortunately my local is populated with people whom it would either be illegal and/or undesirable to date, it's mostly kids and olds (like, grandma/grandpa old. I'm an old but not that old, I'm looking for something in a decade-size 30s), or unfortunately houseless people (and while that in and of itself isn't necessarily a dealbreaker, it often comes with things that are in my experience, can't be dating addicts anymore for my own health, it is what it is.)
Bookstores maybe, and I've seen people in the store that I totally would love to get to know (who knows how it'd go y'know but I'm down for some coffee or something to determine compatibility beyond attraction yadda yadda), however it is my understanding that it is never appropriate to approach a woman in public and talk to her while she's just trying to go about her business shopping, or god forbid working, anywhere.
Just any third place in general, they mostly died out during the last plague and are only starting to return to the world. If your looking for someone, go do interesting things in front of interesting people.
I've been recently suddenly smitten. Been awhiiiile. And of course she's my coworker. On a team of three. At my new job of only three months. So yay person of interest, I guess, but of course there are now 3,000 potential new issues/stressors.
Meeting humans is intolerable, but my hope is that with AI technology advancing as rapidly as it is, soon I will be able to assemble the right robot for me...
The world as it sits, the right person probably doesn't exist. They were co opted and are instead a selfish, violent, hate filled, and above all stupid, product of a wiccan system.