Hiiii lemmy! I’m TransfemGhostface. Hope y’all are having a good night. I was one of the people outside the courthouse during the trial, who corporate media referred to as ‘sick’ and ‘twisted’ for exercising our first amendment right to protest. Feel free to ask me anything!
not a question I'm just praying they don't put our boy to death because it's really looking like that's the plan. Worst comes to worst I hope it would be a wakeup call to more people as to where we stand as 99%ers but I'm really hoping it doesn't come to that at all.
No counter-protestors from what I could see. There was quite a lot of police there, but thankfully they didn’t bother us. Dunno how many there were tho…
Not sure how big it was. It was pretty diverse. If there was any dominant category of people, it was probably women. Mood… not sure how to describe that part!
Just want to say thank you, and that it’s official -You are on the side of good that’s fighting evil. Like in books and movies. A real hero who made a choice, and let’s hope a difference.
Thank you! This means so so much to me because I grew up watching movies and reading comic books with very heroic narratives and wanting to be like the protagonists from those, and those continue to be a major inspiration for my activism. I wish characters like Spider-Man and Luke Skywalker were real cuz I know they’d be just the people to fix our fucked up situation, but since they’re not here we’ll have to make the world a better place in their stead!
Actually and literally pro-life. Not pro-birth, though, because that’s none of my business. A for-profit insurance company cannot help but have blood on its hands.
Primarily, an anti-realist. Though I also identify as a democratic socialist and anti-imperialist. Used to have more anarchist leanings, but given how far away we are from such a thing, I’m not sure how productive it would be to advocate for at this moment in time. I honestly think guaranteeing people whatever basic necessities they need for life so they can focus on whatever and whoever will fulfill them is a much more pressing goal. Also, defeating fascism. If you identify as an anarchist, we’d probably get along tho!