Duh! I've been saying this on here and getting called a Nazi as a result. First, censorsing & criminalizing free speech is fasscist behavior. But it is also causes those groups to grow.
I rather like that in Germany it's a crime to deny the Holocaust. The problem is that our politicians are too cowardly to stand up towards Israel and to stupid to realize the problem with the Holocaust isn't that jews were the main target, but rather that it happened at all.
exactly, free speech fundamentalism just allows freedom to abuse anyone and lie about anything
what's happening in germany is the same playbook as in the US. use wedge issues like immigration, palestine and economic hardship to split the left and support the far right in social media spam
at least in germany you can vote constructively for a variety of parties that can create a government that effectively excludes the far right
Not at all. The things that Trump says are acceptable to the ruling class of America. Even without free speech (which the US doesn't actually have), Trump would never be the victim of censorship laws.
No censorship of speech has always been liberal. /s
Also its kidna funny how eastern european countries now have stronger foundations of liberal democracy than germany, since statements like "from the river to the sea" are not criminalized as antisemitic.
They've went further than that & now it is criticism of Israel as well. Moreso, despite those things representing a dark history, if someone cosplays as a Nazi or thinks Hitler didn't murder 6 million, or whatever number they are at now, as long as they aren't there being violent (which is already criminal) then arresting them because of thought crimes is fascist behavior. The censorship as well has only emboldened those ideas. When you lock people up for speaking about something then those ideas grow like cancer. People will believe they are legitimate ideas that the government is covering up. Don't believe me or whatever, but don't be surprised when you create a monster.
Pretty much the whole political range from the extreme Right up to and including the Greens (but not the Left party) normalized racial discrimination with their whole "unwavering support of the Jewish nation" (i.e. unlimited support entirely because of their race) whilst they mass murdered civilians because of their ethnicity (a crime so foul that the list of dead Palestinian babies 1 year old or younger for the first 6 months of the Genocide is 17 pages long).
They not just normalized in Germany the mindset of discriminating on the basis of race, but once the Genocide started they went all the way to unwaveringly supporting a modern variant of Nazism giving as reason for that that those doing it represented "the Jewish People".
It's absolutely natural that the Far Right nationalists would think that "well, if even mass murdering Palestinian babies is fine if the murderers are Jews, then surely it's equally fair that those who are Germans should be able to do whatever one wants to non-Germans" (or in other words "if it's fine for them, then it's fine for us too")
There really isn't that much of an Ethical and Moral distance between "those of a specific race can mass murder babies of the ethnicity they deem 'human animals'" (which is what almost the entirety of the German political class defended) and "our specific race can treat other races any way they see fit" (which is the AfD's position) - in fact I would even go as far as saying that "merely" being anti-Immigration is Ethically and Morally a less monstrous position to hold than supporting mass murder of innocent civilians because they're from a different ethnicity than a race you favor.
Basically people were born after WW2 who weren't properly taught why Nazis need to be stomped down into the dirt and kept there where they belong.
This was an education problem, not a problem with people not giving enough stage time to literal Nazis who want to exterminate everyone who isn't them.
We have to stomp them down again and make entertaining their invalid ideology illegal again.
I would say that the problem is a lot older, more fundamental and anchored on two issues:
Somebody else got rid of the Nazis, not the German people, and all the subsequent learning from Nazism was the result of outside pressures and based on an outside way of thinking, rather than being the result of self-discovery and self-improvement.
The "lessons" learned were structured in the way of thinking of the 1950s which was still very much normalized Racism, so instead of the lesson being the modern Humanist "This should never be allowed to happen to anybody", it was instead the highly Race-specific formulation of "We (Germans) should never do this to Jews again".
The result is that the mental architecture of seeing people as members or races and hence assumed to have a certain nature based purelly on their race (good, bad, trustworthy, untrustworthy, victims, aggressors, oppressors, oppressed and so on), that formed the foundation upon which Nazism was built, was never abandoned and instead only the list of "good" and "bad" races changed, which in the domain of Prejudice and Racism was but a tiny step away from Nazism.
If in the mind of most of a society, people's worth and deserving of special treatment is determined by their race to such a point that, as we saw with the "unwavering support of the Jewish Nation" during them committing a Genocide, even extreme negative behaviour of people is acceptable if they are members of a race deemed "good", then all the mental pathways to think and act exactly like that towards "our race" - the mindset of AfD - are in place and well travelled.
Nativist Racism in Germany is the harvest of a field well plowed and fertilized with Racist and Prejudiced practices (described as "positive" to make them sound like a good thing) for the last 6 or 7 decades. Worse, that well kept field was the very same were Nazism blossomed over a century ago.
So ask Mrs. genocide lover, and baby-killing cheerleader Germany's foreign minister Annalena Baerbock about how much joy it brings her to see civilians burn to death and children get ampuatated by German's weapons. She and Olaf Scholtz and his wife and his whole government openly and repeatedly advocated, justified, and aided with billions in bombs for killing all civilians.
You folks live in a parallel world and have no clue about German politics or how stuff in Germany work.
Anti-Germans are ultra rare nowadays and most Germans from the left parties support the existence and sovereignity of both a Palestinian state and Israel. Most Greens are anti-Netanyahu, just not anti-Israel as a state.