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  • I know how you feel. Best way to describe it is I miss what Reddit was, but don't miss what it's become. It's all finally starting to hit home that it's dead though. The queen is dead, long live the king.

  • Well that sucks. I had no intention of continuing to use reddit, but I only used infinity. Before infinity I made and account and used reddit twice in 5 years, but browsed infinity daily. I have no Google services or framework on my phone and never plan to change that. I guess this is why infinity made itself unavailable on f-droid. I can't even get my saved references. Oh well. It was a bad habbit anyways.

  • I had already read it a few days ago. So far there seems to be no intention to support lemmy. I for one will probably not pay for a reddit app (of any flavour), but, for the few subreddits that have no viable counterpart here (yet), such as r/flying, I will probably occasionally use it in the desktop browser, if mobile browser really remains impossible.

  • Yeah it sucks. But the developer of Infinity is awesome for giving means to use the app for free with your own API key.