I loved parks and rec, and I think that's a super fair way to feel about it. It has a very cheesy veneer hiding some really great comedy. I think 30 Rock had the same problem, and I get why a lot of people weren't into it. Or maybe the comedy just doesn't resonate with a some people, idk. I liked it, but I can see why other people wouldn't, even if I can't verbalize that.
I really liked it when I watched it back in the day, but it just doesn’t have the impact that shows like Silicon Valley, arrested development and community have for me
One of the hardest thing for me when recommending media to friends and acquaintances is to not oversell it and only do it when asked. Because I know very well what being on the receiving end feels like, and I know they mean well, but also, I like to watch (read, play) stuff at my own pace
I started reading the book "Gone Girl" and noped out after the first chapter because I couldn't stand the yuppie narrator. Then I saw the film and loved it. Next I read some more books by the same writer and came to realize that she's a great writer who can create really horrible characters.
Meanwhile I know someone who watched the entirety of a very popular series (can't remember which one at the moment) just so he could tell the obnoxious fans of it, that it was shit, and exactly why it was shit.
Me with Breaking Bad. Just to get ahead of the insufferable BB fans, it's not a bad show, it's just no Wire or Sopranos. Better Call Saul, though? Oh baby, now we're talking.
Funny you say that... Loved BB, hooked me immediately, but BCS?? Shit, it started so slow but it's by far the better series. They really let things stew and hit you with the payoff repeatedly.
I liked BB, I thought it was pretty good, and BCS I still have yet to finish (got up to season 3 and then got distracted), and thought it was also pretty good.
What did you find lackluster in BB that BCS did better?
Also, One Piece fans. As much as I love one piece, it's not for everyone. Idk why that's so hard to grasp for some of the fans. They just say it gets better. People might not like it for various reasons, From poor animation (In the beginning) to bad pacing. Also, the lengthy fights and the artstyle could be a turnoff.
I like to say, if you don't like the East Blue Saga, its probably not for you, but you kind of need to power through some of the earlier arcs as the author establishes the world and tone. If you don't like it because Syrup Village is kind of a mess, you could easily miss out on a great series.
By the time I finished the anime, I had only been continuing to watch it because of sunk cost fallacy for a long time. The plot got so dumb by the end, plus so much filler.
And then there was Boruto, which finally broke me.
I spent a weekend in college reading the entire DragonBall manga. I never managed to find out why people like it. The first arc when it was sci fi journey to the west with dirty jokes was good though
Definitely nostalgia, it was great as a kid with lots of content to get lost in imagination, and the kick-assery of it all, but I watch it again a bit with my kid and it's objectively a hard watch.
I played both Lisa: The Painful and Lisa: The Joyful, from start to finish, didn't like them at all. Though i kinda see the appeal, they're just not for me.
I will say that it seemed like those games were trying to do interesting things, but the actual gameplay was kind of miserable. I honestly wish I was better at sticking with it.
If watching 100hrs implies you enjoy it, then of course if you watch enough of it you will eventually enjoy it. You're just not big brained enough to understand media literacy.