Just go the vote, and make sure your family and friends go to give their votes.
I'm not local, I cannot vote over here, but had seen multiple times in modern times voter suppression has been a big deal, it's easier to make you not to bother to vote than change your mind who to vote.
I had worked brexit UK, where people voted it due they weren't happy about the PM. As it was good time to vote against him. Without thinking what brexit actually was. So use your voice by voting. What do you wish the future of country will be in this new era.
I know German has issues, as every Europe union contries. If the problems are easy to solve they would have been solved already, don't belive one tag line promises.
I'm just wanna say, as a fellow user. Just go to vote.
The AfD will likely get about 20% (I haze it, but its the reality we live in), but what is also great is, that our leftist party will get about 8%. They won't be in the government, but they for sure will annoy the hell out of them. They will also pressure the more left leaning parties to not do everything our conservatives want to do. They also promised that they want to push to forwards to the so called "Mietendeckel" (rent lid) to end the raising of rent prices which means more stability for about 46% of people. I am optimistic, that they can do this. They have completely rearranged themselves and skyrocketed from about 2.5% a few months ago to now 8% in the polls. We didnt have so many members in the left party in 15 years. The left party has also been responsible for the crarion of the minimum wage in Germany without being part of the government.
Even tho that the government will be ass, I hope for our left party do actually change something. Even tho we aren't part of the government we already won this election.
Good luck from Spain, a friend of mine is in Berlin with your party, has worked very hard theses days, and hopes you can get a good result. Go ahead!!!
Or for the CDU. They are the ones that will enable the AfD to rise even more and I am already betting, that if nothing changes fundamentally, they will work together with them in 4 years.
But don't worry about starlink, the German voting process happens on paper sheets. The voter has to be identified before the vote. Then all votes get counted by hand and multiple times, submitted by fax and telephone.
Do I have any hope for a progressive government? Do I have hope that anyone but Merz becomes chancellor?
No, too many old men in this country for that.
But damn it, I have 1 vote to cast and cast it I will, giving it 100% to a party I tolerate. Not voting is voting for the end result, and the AFD doesn't deserve 1% of my vote, let alone what percentage they end up at.
Warning: Bad design, but instead of arguing over the top part, which definitely has some considerations that make it a bit more complicated, my main concern is the bottom part.
It's not enough that my vote is thrown away if I don't vote, but put in a blender with all the other non-voters and then distributed in part to the very parties I do not like.
well, except if someone votes for a party that gets less than 5%. it's a bit similar with the US elections, when democrats would have won, if ppl didn't vote 3rd party for unrealistic reasons.
Hungarian here, please, don't repeat our mistake from 2010!!!
The media might say that things are bad, but looking bad, the media exaggerated a lot of things. They tried to report as much crime committed by Roma as it was possible (even remembering the anniversaries of some of the cases), and so on. Then we had to realize "Roma crime" was on the decline, and Fidesz dismantled the laws that were responsible for the very decline (raising the mandatory school age to 18, now it's lowered to 15). "Fear leads to hatred, and hatred leads to destruction."
but had seen multiple times in modern times voter suppression has been a big deal
Voter Suppression isn't really a thing in Germany. You are automatically registered to vote, and absentee voting is also really easy. Fill out a form online, get the ballot per Mail and return it with a postage-already-paid envelope
Sorry, but as someone who had their vote suppressed this time due to impossible short mail voting times (and this not being the first time) I have to sadly disagree. If you live abroad and not somewhere close to an German embassy, voting is usually not feasible without a lot of time and money involved. And without residency in Germany you are also not automatically registered for voting.
That's not voter suppression, it's a risk you take when moving outside of Germany. The German state can't guarantee that you can easily vote if you move outside of its jurisdiction.
I think people had a bit old fashioned view of voter suppression. It has been nowdays more pushing certain messages to certain people. I was more ref about the modern ways online, like what happened during brexit. Just search "cambridge analytica + voter suppression"
To simple way: spd voters get bombarded about how spd has fucked them years and years, green voters get bombarded how green part don't do their jobs. To make image that they don't deserve your vote anymore. Or it's better to send message by not voting at all.
And as this all happens online, based people's own Internet history, it's not visible to outsiders. There was few damn good documentaries after brexit how that worked. It's just using social medias data to send personal message, using adds, promotions, or just algorithms push, based people's data.
Kind my point, but I think all of them are going to vote anyways. I'm more worried about the rest. And potentially voter suppression. As seems most people aren't aware how it works now days. Like what happened during brexit. Just search "cambridge analytica + voter suppression"
I'm not sharing many values with CDU but Germany would be well advised to have one democratic party which is distinctively stronger than AFD. And at the moment it seems that CDU is the only democratic party which can keep the country in one piece. I would very much prefer to have a strong CDU than a strong AFD and many mediocre democratic parties.
The CDU is already voting together with the AfD in several parliaments including the national one, I really don't think the CDU is going to help us out of this mess. They want exactly the same things as the AfD, they're just slightly less crass about it.
In few countries in eu "the local CDU" had been vocal how they would never work with "local AfD", but when both of them got most votes, they had put together the government with only two parties.
And that is my biggest worry. Like I do not agreeing with CDU, but them working with others that AfD is way better option that they going to bed with them. As it's just possible being a huge mess, not like usa mess, but both parties just siding with the biggest bullies and not getting anything done. Still blaming opposition parties (their old enemies) and minorities. Plus in current world tensions, governments parties that is just having inner fightings is not good for Germany or for European Union.
There's no such thing as pretzel bread. There is such a thing as lye rolls and the key thing is bloody use NaOH. Not Na₂CO₃. Even less, NaHCO₃. You'll need 3-4% NaOH in aqueous solution. Yes, actual lye. Caustic soda. Sodium hydroxide. No way around it.
I just fucking hope those polls were just more of the corporate right wing propaganda we see everywhere. I can’t imagine voting right after seeing all of the conservative incompetence in recent years.
I think it's important nowadays to have faith in your government and democracy. You definitely should vote and you can be proud to help put your country into a direction you feel is best. This post seems to convey the message that you should vote to save democracy. This fear of the end of democracy might just end up increasing the influence of extreme political parties. In the US election both parties warned it will be the last vote.
German polls seem to indicate that CDU/CSU will be the strongest party and they will most likely not go into coalition with AfD, so the AfDs influence will not be much but they will probably get a lot of votes anyways. And even though I do not like the idea of a chancellor Merz due to him being very polarizing, I think Germany got this.
Don't panic C:
The American system of democracy is fundamentally flawed and has been even before the Republican success in the election. In Germany, there are a variety of parties to vote for that vary across the political spectrum- there is a multi-party system, the American democracy is a decision between right and alt-right, a heavily skewed two party system. I see your point, but this is a false equivalency and a bad analogy
Given Merz' right-wing rhetoric (incl. literally calling anyone who doth protest his behavior a "a green or leftist crackpot"; or pronouncing that "left-wing politics are over"), his playing-off of parts of society, his choleric antics, and his closeness to Maga-friendly figures like Spahn ... Yeah, no. Merz is danger.
We're very sceptic about the rigidity of the so called firewall (the confession of the big parties, especially CDU/CSU to form a coalition with the neo nazis). The chancellor candidate Merz (aka Mr. Burns) already jackhammered it by voting together with AfD against migration. Just yesterday he denounced millions of people who are protesting since the beginning of 2024 against the move of politics to the far right by asking where they were when Walter Lübcke a CDU governour fighting for migrants was murdered by a nazi in 2019. They were protesting in the thousands and the Antifa was investigating the backgrounds of groups like hammerskins, combat 18 or NSU. Mr. Burns yesterday also called lefts and greens "Spinner" (crazies) and was rewarded with frenetic applause by the bavarians to whom he was holding his speech. There are a few CDU politicians saying out loud that the firewall is history and they should work together with AfD.
Lol, I'm just honestly wishing Germans has seen what happens in USA when letting biggest bullshitter in power. I think I need logoff from Internet on Sunday, just have mental health day.
I see a lot of negative comments about the CDU here, but I certainly think Olaf Scholz is a bit of a disaster. From a Finnish perspective at least it seems in fact that apart from the Nordics and Eastern Europeans the rest of Europe still doesn’t have their shit together regarding Ukraine and defense in general. I don’t think CDU would necessarily be worse on that front and I do think they might be stronger on the economy too, Germany needs to get a bit more competitive going forward.
From another fellow nordic, I honestly think any vote that is not for AFD or the pro-russian left is good enough at this point. I also think that CDU suck, but the important thing now is keeping fascism and Russian influence down. Other values are secondary for now.
I’d love to hear why they suck and who would be better and why. SPD track record has been driving Germany to the ground the past few years and the Green denuclearization policies are a disaster both in terms of economics and self-reliance. But of course those view are mine and may well be wrong, that’s just one viewpoint and perhaps poorly informed.
Which party do you think would fare better and why? What I thought I knew about Merz is that he favors tax cuts and deregulation, which are definitely factors that Germany does need currently, but am I wrong about his views?
I think CDU is pretty much middle to right ground of kokoomus and persu (both more right wing Finnish parties). And CDU has already taken some AfD point and looking like they would be happy to work with AfD, as kokoomus was first very anti persu, before last election where they set government together.
CDU with other partners would be "fine", but I think everyone's worried is they wanna stay in power and happily take AfD to guarantee their government position.
I see, I think the consensus view here is quite left-leaning so maybe that’s where the negative view comes from. I’m more Kokoomus leaning myself so I don’t see it as bad but I can understand there’s a lot of polarization going on right now.
Yes. Question is - who? All parties suck across the board for me.
I can't vote right because I'm a human
I can't vote left because I got too much money for that
I can't vote black or red because nothing will happen or change, the country will just keep declining
I can't vote green because these people are actively ruining the country
I can't vote for one of the smaller parties that would actually fit much much better but they got 0 chance of getting into the parliament and I might aswell toss my vote out the window.
It's just such a sad state of affairs right now. Every major party fucks me sideways one way or the other lmao.
So you don't want to vote left because you only think about yourself but also red wouldn't change anything which you don't like. And greens ruin the country? Are you gonna spout shit about the Heizungsgesetz next?
You are making more than 7000€ a month or have more than a million bucks? It's time to pay your fair share.
I agree with you and don't feel that I'd support one of the big parties enough to cast my vote for them in a situation where it's pest vs cholera. But with the right being so clearly against humanity and democratic values I think the time has come to choose either pest or cholera over evil itself.
Usually I voted for a small party that falls under the 5% but this time I won't, just because I'd rather cast my vote for a party that clearly positions themselves against the right and I can agree with in some ways than to not give it at all or cast it without any impact in the actual government.