Simultaneous purging of the chief generals of all three branches.
They are ensuring the military has no cohesiveness to stage a future coup against the Executive Branch, and are replacing all control with their own loyalists.
I don't think the old rules will apply much longer. Trump is playing a game the normal US government have never had to deal with. By the time everyone gets up to speed, Trump will have purged anyone that could have done something.
I think the USA is lost at this point. Damaged beyond repair unless the anti-coup happens soon.
Just a reminder that, especially for Trump and those who staff his new media-manipulation-savvy regime (Fox News defectors), Friday night is when you take action or release things that you don't want people paying attention to. Friday night, we're all exhausted and/or distracted. By Monday there will be a new news cycle.
Installing loyalists in the top military positions is one of the things that is signal, not noise.
Funny how most in the west refuse to see the violent orchestrated maidan event as a coup but when a clown gets to power by voting and does stuff it is.