I feel like I am the only person who CAN'T see the counter clockwise spin. Have tried all the tricks people suggest to make the spin reverse, still only clockwise. I feel robbed by my own brain. I WANNA SEE THE COOL SHIT, BRAIN, JUST LET ME SEE HER SPIN THE OTHER WAY (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
I can see her switching spin direction now and then if I continously watch the animation. Looking at the feet alone makes this more likely.
I'm under the impression that it depends on when I naturally blink, for instance when the extended leg is maximally to the left or right. Maybe that brief interruption of the visual stream allows for reclassifying the virtual information instead of fitting it onto an existing pattern.
Turning my phone upside down flips the direction, then focusing on the movement while I slowly turn it back over helps me see it for a short while, until I blink a few times.