Fuck. no. The Airspace of Ukraine and how they manage the war efforts is their right of sovereignty. Europe doesn't want Ukraine as a vassal but as an equal member!
The truth is, if we do nothing or continue to act as we are now, Ukraine will lose. We need to do something. More ammo, more equipment, more sanctions, more of everything. Probably we will have to get our hands dirty and even spill some blood. Putin is a madman who will not accept defeat. If we don't arm Ukraine to the teeth or deploy troops there, he will always try to occupy it.
First of all, sorry the title is too controversial. Maybe I should change it? I think this "takeover" would happen on a cooperative basis with Ukraine. Sending ground troops is highly controversial, but a strong European air force could protect strategic facilities in Ukraine. It would be powerful support and not as risky as land based assistance. Morr info in the video at 21:40.
Nono I didn't want to give you flack for simply posting the video and it's title verbatim. That's totally fine.
I just don't agree with the titles and the videos message.
And now to the topic:
Yeah that "takeover" should only ever come on a cooperative basis and with the request by Ukraine. We need in any case a strong defensive army to protect our interests not only against Russia but China and USA as well.
Also air would be not as risky? I dunno, Russia still has, as far as I remember, a lot of anti air defense systems. (The most risk free, for infantry, would be Taurus and other long range attack systems)
Haven't seen the video but resembles the no -fly-zone the Ukrainians asked for at the beginning of the invasion (and part of the new French/ British plan).