I'd rather take a call than have to type on a godawful virtual keyboard to have a full conversation with a person.
If you are gonna force me to use SMS/RCS I'm gonna fuckin say "fuck it, I'd rather call."
If you can use fucking email or any kind of instant messenger, it's game on because at least I don't have to jump through fucking hoops to use those on my PC with a full keyboard.
I fucking loathe typing on a phone, and the more of I have to do, the more I loathe it. I love typing on a keyboard but most people are stuck in SMS/RCS world and often don't even have a computer of their own.
I dunno, I've gotten pretty fast at typing on smartphones, not as fast as full keyboards, but fast enough that its decent typing out fairly lengthy messages and posts.
All my Lemmy comments are typed out on a smartphone for example, and if you know me around here I have some fairly lengthy comments LMAO
If not in person, I prefer asynchronous conversation. It doesn't require my constant full attention, so if I'm working or something I can still engage; and if it's any kind of serious conversation (whether emotional or just reasoning out something complex), I can take my time to think about an answer to ensure I provide a complete and accurate (to the best of my ability) thought.
That said, no one ever seems to respond to texts, even if they started the conversation. It's a lot harder to do that in a voiced conversation.
One of the strangest things, to me anyway, that came out of the pandemic is this habit of texting/messaging people to ask if you can call them. I'm not saying it's right or wrong. It's just an interesting change in communication dynamics.
It sort of makes sense for Teams, Slack, etc. where even if the person is available, they may not be prepared to receive a call for technical reasons.
But a lot of people do the same thing for phone calls.
Er what, people have been doing that since long before the plague happened, id say it started becoming commonplace around the time when SMS became widespread and not being charged per-text lmao
I like calls. Messages are nice for simple and quick communication, but for anything more complex calls are easier.
I appreciate when the other person asks because I will sometimes tell them, if now is not a good time, when. Usually in like 10 or so minutes so I can wrap up whatever I'm doing.